To explain: the lighting in this area before the update was so horrendous that it was just an insanely dark area. I've been here hundreds of times and never even noticed this fountain.

10/10 Graphics Update

I can place Manderville Weapons that aren't final-step, but the final step weapons wont go in the armoire or glamour chest. Any ideas here?

I respect your opinion but I'm just gonna flat out disagree with this and bid you a fabulous day

Im physically shaking in my chair I'll have you know

Fishers are FEASTING this xpac with the amount of gorgeous water

4 of the 5 "good" things arent even out yet lol.

You're not gonna cure my disdain for a flat, 1-dimensional character by putting a carrot on a stick.

(Picto is fucking amazing though)

Ah yes, Wuk Lamat, the main character of the story whose character development involves the following:

-Sea sickness
-She really, really loves peace
-No, I mean she fucking LOVES peace
-Sea sickness
-She loves it so much she had to have a private audience with you just to remind you for the 50th time that she loves peace
-She hates not-peace
-Sea sickness
-Sea sickness
-Sea sickness

Did I forget anything?

Which market makers are manipulating the stock that day and what direction they're betting on

Wait until you find out why you saw that answer coming

Seriously, what's with all the jerks in this thread?

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

Checked your post history, literally all you do is try to convince people to sell GME and cry about how you paper-handed instantly for a loss.

Sorry, but you're clearly not a good investor. Stick to playing CoD maybe?

Chipper Jones

Calling it, Wall will earn a permanent spot in our OF. Dude was absolutely playing out of his mind in Spring Training and I have no idea how he didn't make the opening roster. Excited to see him ball out.

Or alternatively he could completely flop and I'll look like a jackass lol

The ones who played around 1.55 (the final patches) mostly seemed to enjoy the game. I thought it was good, but not great. It was still a HELL of a lot better than 1.0. Yoshi P and his team were actually fixing 1.0 and creating 2.0 at the same time. They were working absurdly fast, it was pretty crazy.

Chipper Jones

This is why people build vaults.

Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

Jimmy probably still has PTSD from Jon digging his verbal axe into Jimmy's skull, one of my favorite clips of all time

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

Just wait until she finds out that he's a financial criminal

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

The SEC isnt trying to ban him. On the contrary, Gensler laughed off Cramers dumbass comments about it. A Massachusetts congressman and E Trade are trying to ban him.

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

Watching short sellers make posts crying about some people holding a video game stock is the best timeline.

Although this sounds like it was written by some shitty AI bot trying to sound like an early 2000s Millennial lol

Lulz, u got pwnz0rzed!!1!

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

the middle right frame rofl

Swims in Dark Pools for fun

*Slow Clap*