I think my perspective is "if you like the sound of the synopsis, go for it and give it a try". If it's not capturing your fancy by episode 5, feel no guilt in dropping it. I watch all kinds of genres of both cdrama and kdrama. I don't like lazy writing and I don't watch things just because it has x, y, z actor in it. I think that people forget that Asian dramas are just cog machines. Many of them are produced because they have to produce SOMETHING to keep the masses entertained. So this kind of production leads to a lot of same-y-ness and not very high value content.

I'm with you on The Untamed. I just couldn't get into it. But I loved Mysterious Lotus Casebook.

I hear a lot of good things about Court Lady. I'm 21 episodes in and I find the FL boring and weak, and the story is progressing slowly.




Using commercial airliners for other remote sensing instruments, not aerial imagery (https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19740002246)



They can now get high-resolution imagery from satellites, too. If satellites are not too high/too fast, why would commercial flights be? When i flew back from Singapore, they had cameras mounted on the plane not only so passengers could watch the flight live but to take aerial imagery. Technology has improved so much in just ten years. Velodyne lidar pucks have come down in size and price, lidar is being utilized on cars, in iphones (iPhone max 14 had a lidar camera), and sensors on cameras have gotten wild (just look at mirrorless options from Canon since 2020 in the R5 and R6 Mark II). Some of the tech might still be too expensive to make the products widely available or available to the average joe, or a company may want to keep it proprietary for a reason. That doesn't mean it isn't feasible. Just look at the underwater shipwreck and cave mapping they're doing now. Much of that was not possible 10-15 years ago, or at least no one had really tried it.

They're even attaching lidar to trains to assess rails and bridge structures.

Um. They're trying to ban all the birth control and rubbers. They've already succeeded in banning some birth control, especially in certain states. So yes. It is regulation.

I have a pilot license and used to work in GIS. I got my pilot license back when it was required to fly drones commercially. I never used manned aircraft in relation to GIS. I don't work in either field, now.

A lot of these companies have paired with airlines and take pictures/Lidar from commercial flights, now. Constantly updated data, too. And even satellite resolution is good enough for many civilian purposes, now.

I agree with one's already mentioned, but adding Meet Yourself and possibly Romance of the Little Forest (which maybe has a bit more drama but not really drama between our romantic couple. I hate secondary couple in this show, though)

Yuuuup. That response to "it's not your business" is correct.

I've heard that if you take Gas-x it helps with the shoulder pain because the pain is a byproduct of the gas they use to "bloat" your stomach during the procedure? I didn't have shoulder or chest pain after my bi-salp, but I am sure that I read Gas-X helps.

You can look it up online. You can either chat with BCBS or you can literally do a search for sterilization and combine it with your group number and plan type (which you can find on your insurance card) and look it up on your own. Don't worry about your parents approval. Even if it's through their insurance, it's your medical decision and covered under HIPPA. If you don't say anything and don't allow them access to your records, no one else can either.

My BCBS covered my sterilization surgery. My policy says tubal ligation, BUT my surgeon performed a bilateral salpingectomy and billed it as a tubal ligation. I think maybe since BCBS has changed the policy language to bilateral salpingectomy.

Youngest of 5. My oldest sister is 13 years older than I am. Oldest three have no kids, the brother just before me has A child. I think he'd like more, I don't think his wife does.

I ere on the side of foregoing surgery, especially when pets reach a certain age. The problem for me is that surgeries introduce pets to pain they can't understand. They don't know why it's all happening to them, so they're scared and confused in addition to pain. I don't want my best friend to go through that, so if the issue is truly that dire, then I let them depart the world as humanely as possible. I also worked in veterinary medicine, so I've seen a lot of the realities and I don't want my animals to suffer.

I like 1 and 4. 1 actually depicts the pink in the rug and 4 is just entirely different from the first three but still fits nicely in your color scheme.

In my family, the rule is if you can't afford to come along/do the thing, then you don't come along/do the thing. Nobody else is paying for your grown adult ass.

Is your mother the trustee, but you and your brother are the respective beneficiaries of your individual trusts? If it is a generation skipping trust, then that should be so. It depends on what the trust documents say. See if you can get a copy of the trust documents and please review them with your own attorney. When grandma does pass, you don't want to be caught unawares of what is going on.

This isn't just petty theft. We're talking about a Tiffany's out-of-make piece of jewelry. That could be worth enough to take it out of small claims court and into the big leagues depending on the piece.

I like a style called modern rustic, which is basically clean lines, mixed metal, mixed metal and wood, medium to dark toned wood, and very organic feeling. Very similar to what you're looking for, I think.

Oh yeah. My mother-in-law has always insisted on throwing showers and parties and such that none of us ladies who have married her sons wanted. I dislike pushy people, and since I don't need their time or money, I tend to just say, "That's lovely for you. I won't be attending."

I think my MIL was flabbergasted when we only asked for gift cards to home improvement stores for our wedding. We already owned a house and furniture and stuff and she was like "BuT you InvItE mOrE PeolOplE for the GIFTS!!!!" Lady. If I invited more people for the gifts, it wouldn't make up for the money I would spend inviting them to the wedding for a free meal. Wtf!?

All showers are cash grabs. Period. Baby showers, bridal showers...

I made it a point of telling my sisters-in-law that I do not give wedding gifts. Ever. I give 5 year Anniversary gifts, when there is actually something to celebrate (mostly that you haven't killed or divorced your spouse yet.) Now, because I give it at 5 years, it's a very nice gift. But never until then.