Hey, Texas. When are y'all gonna vote Gov. Deals on Wheels out of office?

The ones who had a cow when pornhub was nixed in Texas?

RN - OR 🍕

I wrote up a surgeon twice for throwing instruments. I wasn't putting up with the "he just does that" bullshit. He hasn't done it in over 8 years now. Called corporate compliance on another because he asked me to falsify something on a patient's chart (time in the room so that it didn't look like a late start). He kept badgering me for a couple more cases, and I told him if he wanted the chart to show we were in the room on time, then he should've gotten there on time. He still kept bitching, so I reported him. Didn't hear another gripe out of him, either. I feel no remorse for any of it. Be the change you want to see.

I don't think my parents expected me or my sister to take care of them. My dad took care of my mom when she had a lot of heart problems, and she died a little over 2 years ago. I would stop in and see the house untidy, so I would clean up while I was here. My sister did the same. I ended up selling my house while the market was up and moved in to help since his mobility is declining. Luckily, I only lived about a mile up the road, so I didn't have to uproot and stress out over moving. In fact, getting rid of all the junk was kind of cathartic for me. He gets my grandson to daycare so I don't have to change my hours at work, and we split the bills for the most part. My dad worked nights most if my life, so I didn't see him a lot growing up, mom did most of the homework, errands, school functions and such. I'm proud he learned a lot about how to be a caregiver for her and take over the household when she got sick, but now I feel he needs my help and didn't even have to ask. I had great parents, and I feel so bad many of you didn't get to experience that, and how you are struggling with them needing you now when you don't feel that they were there for you growing up. The sandwich generation is not for the faint of heart.

Start looking for another job, all of you. Force him to have to sell it when his company has no one left to exploit.

This almost makes me want to invite Scientologists to start knocking on the school doors. They'll never get rid of them.

They have churches to teach those classes for a toss in the offering plate. I'm not wasting my tax dollars on that.

So glad they wasted so much time and money on petty revenge instead of doing their jobs. It's awesome.

He literally just said this is what he is after in his post. He knows it's the only way to stay out of jail. Let him keep talking, he'll dig his own hole. And I'll be over here with a bucket of popcorn watching it all happen.

I became a nurse. I feel more comfortable dealing with people's lives than their money, lol.

Worked at a bank back in '96. Trained for 2 weeks, went great. Got to my branch the following week, and the teller they put me with said right in front of me, "Why do they always stick me with the new ones?" I thought, "So this is how it's gonna be...." I got yelled at by several customers that had special privileges (no check fee if they worked for this or that company, Vip accounts and such) that no one told me about. They were so hateful to another teller who was 18 and pregnant (also married, so I don't know what their problem was). Just the nastiest, most pretentious gossiping harpies you could ever meet. Lasted 1 month. I left my badge on the counter at closing time the evening I decided to quit. Didn't pick up their calls the next day. Deuces, bitches!

Just think of how many kids at her school probably have lice now. I'm sure those families would feel the same way OP does when their kids keep getting reinfestations. This is a public health issue, and OP has every right to not let her stepdaughter visit until it's properly treated.

I appreciate that he blamed not being able to keep his weenis in his pants and getting caught on Biden. God, it's always some else's fault with him.

It is an actual thing. But... some of the qualifications are very restrictive. Your dooty gets implanted into patients with all sorts of gastrointestinal diseases, so you have to be pretty healthy in order to donate. It does pay well through some organizations. Posting some links for those interested:

https://goodnatureprogram.com https://www.humanmicrobes.org/donors https://number2.org

She's got her degree, she doesn't need this job anymore. She has no reason to feel bad for leaving as it was going to happen anyway.

RN - OR 🍕

Are you signing up for this call availability, or is it mandated (due to chronic low staffing)? We have mandatory call on the OR and its $5/hr, with time and a half if called in. When I worked the floor, I could be put on call due to low census for $3/hr, but that was during a regular work shift. If I volunteered to work an extra shift and was put on call for low census, I was still paid to be available. But no way would I keep my schedule open if it wasn't a regular shift or voluntary extra shift without being paid for it.

We all knew it was a pump and dump stock. Most investing platforms I read even predicted it. He blindly followed his Bible slinging master into the void, and I hope he learned his lesson.

I'm in Dayton, and we're all heading to the neighborhood park. I took off work, but the surgeons even cut their schedules off at 1pm so my team can go watch it with their families.

RN - OR 🍕

Eh, just type a link to a website and a prepper's almanac on the AVS. APA format, of course.

RN - OR 🍕

Uh, only if he shares. Those are my jam!

RN - OR 🍕

I don't know if that's a safe order. I could cause on OD from dirty jokes.