None of them would have supported him and especially not Delenn. And of them all Sheridan himself wouldn't have supported him. As Sheridan said clearly and unequivocally they had been building it up for months making them rely more and more on each other and the Rangers, but whatever they decided was fine by him the aim was to get the President to pardon Sheridan's crew.

Letting the President think she was in control was theatre.

And you are missing the point John is about order. To do as you suggest would be to crap on all he had gone through.

He very much had to humour them just like he had to humour the Ambassadors in season 4 episode 13.

The other races supported Sheridan but if he even for a second tried to walk out their support would have evaporated.

And what Sheridan was supposed to do what Garabaldi feared he would do take over the Earth Alliance and destroy that which he was willing to die to save.

A realist would realise that Sheridan wanted people to work together.

That would have resulted in trumped up charges of sedition or treason.

That stuffed peacock time for a Stag run...

Dear God, A minbari not born of Minbari (English accent)

In true betazed tradition Deanna has been there and tapped that.

Going back with both not so bothered about their tech much more interested in Nyan revealing that his peoples belief is false.

What was the result of the war did the Bedrosians win is the war still on going.

Nelix was well aware she was 2 years old arguably much younger. Jack believed Kynthia to be approximately 30 years old well above the age of consent.

Besides if I were star trek groups I'd be going more nuts over how the Ocampa exist given their reproductive cycle consists of a single pregnancy rather than having fits over Ocampan ages what's next Sarek cradle snatched Spocks mum?

The darker side of the SGC a return to Tollana in order to rape their planet of any tech and "look for survivors"

The Hebridans following the defeat of the Ori.

The Optricans and Nyan's return home.

There were two 100 day ladies and O'Neill was with both. Kinthia where Pelops increases the life cycle to 1/250th of normal.

This is truly ground in at the start of Legend of the Rangers when David orders his crew to stand down and the Rangers arrest him for it.

As Garabaldi put it they are genetically incapable of running from a fight.

As G'Kar puts it we live for the one, WE DIE FOR THE ONE. The emphasis on the later half. They take we stand on the bridge way literally it's almost Drazi like

When it was attached to an f302 with a hyperspace generator.

My 8 year old could book travel and if interstellar travel were available that too. Relatively, I still call her a child as I do the 11 year old as well.