Most of us use data in short bursts. Unless you're processing a large file as disk speed it won't matter. Even then, I doubt most people could tell the difference between a Gen 3 and Gen 5 drive in normal usage.

I only wish they had stored them in some orderly fashion like folders named by primary key. This thread is giving me flashbacks.

C# gives you a great understanding of the language and the .NET Framework itself, even the advanced. It is comprehensive for those things. You will want to find additional learning sources for your target development though. Just knowing the language and how to use the .NET Framework won't tell you patterns for developing a Web Application, for instance. It won't cover Razer, WPF, WinForms, etc.

You're doing fine. If you have questions, then feel free to ask. We don't expect you to be an expert. Some of us here have a lot of experience and can guide you where you need to be.

Have you tried a full scan with Microsoft Defender Anti-virus?

If you have trouble with either then let me know. I’m mobile or I’d be more descriptive.

Look in your start up items and then in your task scheduler.

That does appear to be the case. They were formerly owned by Sony, which is who I thought owned them until I saw your reply.

I'm a huge fan of C# and Python, in that order. I think the concepts you'd learn from C# carry over to other languages fairly well and learning Python would build on that. Though, you can learn either and be fine.

If the SD Card is too big then Windows won't give the fat32 option. It'll only allow exFat or NTFS.

... and it's official.

It actually does a really great job.

You can certainly generate the keys but I'm curious why you're attempting to. Is there an end goal for this?

"I never know how to help except just being there and telling him things will be okay."

That sounds perfect for what your role is. I'm assuming he's under a doctor's care. Maybe it would help for you to talk to them and see if they have any suggestions on how to move forward.

Beyond that, I think u/thinkpad32's reply is spot on.

My experience is that they do. If you're having bad side effects though you should probably discuss it with your doctor.

So, you think you're going to get better opinions on Reddit?

You should talk to your doctor about the side effects. Reddit is a terrible place to get medical advice.


It seems they know a lot about programming. It's almost like they're experts.

Note: I added a comment about reading books by Steve Hassan to find out if it's a cult and they already hid the comment.

Yeah, I guess that falls under what a real gaming system in ARM would be. There's the whole piece where I said, "With the fact that there are no real gaming ARM systems, I doubt it's worth it to game developers to even bother at this point."

My point is, I kind of addressed this. ARM has been used for gaming and does just fine as long as the system supports it. Apple's M series can be used for gaming. It's all about design and the current Snapdragon X processors are not designed for that kind of gaming.

It will if you're vigilant. I got a nice gaming laptop at Walmart for about half price just because I checked their clearance about once a week. Every 3 to 6 months they rotate out the older stock and bring in newer stock, so it was part of them getting rid of the old.

It's already pretty easy to port x86 games to ARM on Windows because the same compilers, etc. exist for Windows ARM as exist for Windows x86. Even Unreal Engine supports Windows ARM64 as a target for game development. The problem is, it requires a dev team to port them (mostly just build the outputs), test them, and release them. With the fact that there are no real gaming ARM systems, I doubt it's worth it to game developers to even bother at this point.

This happens because managers try something new and the misjudge the local demand for it. They're not losing money, but it does benefit us.