Caffeine questionAdvice

My daughter received a loading dose of caffeine At 35w3d she’s now 37w4d and they gave her another one yesterday. So far it seems this one has been successful and there have been no desats since. The doctor mentioned yesterday it would be an automatic 7 day stay. The nurse this morning was like I bet when the doctors switch out Monday that she will be going home since she’s doing so good. Just curious if that would be the case or is there something when they do a loading dose they monitor for 7 days

Yes. I had the stomach tightening started on Father’s Day with my breech baby. Contractions were not far apart at all. went to sleep woke up got ready for work and they started again close together, I drank tons of water. Called L&D around 1050am and they told me to come in and just get checked out since I was having a little bit of pain with them and was rolled in for my C-section at 430pm. 25 percent abruption. Listen to your body

They are going to do another loading dose of caffeine today but that automatically puts us here another week

She just gets into deep sleeps sometimes it’s gas related and sometimes it’s not. She does self recover and they aren’t very long. We hold her up after feedings and all that too. I know it’s going to be anxiety driven when we get home for sure I just cannot imagine being here another month or 2 watching my almost full term baby grow up on the nicu. It’s so damn hard I know it could be worse but I am SO DRAINED

Born 35w1d with AOPVenting

My daughter has been in the nicu since the day after she was born. Originally sent for low BS and temp both have since resolved but once she got hooked to the monitors they realized she was apnec. She is no longer on oxygen today is 2 weeks in the nicu and she has episodes where she drifts but self recovers. She will not be able to go home until she’s 5 days incident free. How long can this go on for I’ve read MONTHS. I am hitting a wall. I am Emotionally, physically, mentally drained. My 14 year olds been at her dads almost 3 weeks and my dogs been with a friend almost 3 weeks and I am so damn lonely. I spend all day in the NICU and I’m just hitting a wall. I feel like my whole maternity leave will be here

Your place sounds amazing a place where they would want to invite their friends!

I have gotten to this point. The mental anguish of calling 3 times during the night when I would Get up to pump dreading set backs wanting to rush back to the hospital. I’ve just gotten to the point I don’t call during the night and know that no news is good news.

I am in the same boat as you born at 35w today she is 37 and I just want her home but she has to grow out of her AOP

I have thought about delaying my kiddos vaccines by a month. Born 35w1d

I’m 37 and just had my 2nd I have a 14 year old daughter and would like one more by 40

35w1d so far almost 2 weeks started off as low bs and temp, found out she had AOP. I am tired emotionally, mentally and physically

Thankfully I started may 19th and my baby girl came 5 weeks early on June 17th 🤷🏻‍♀️🫣

Exactly! We are head over heels and to us she’s absolutely perfect

I’m so sorry. Their first reaction is “I’m taking the kids from you” in all reality that will never happen

Triple X true positive

I posted in this group back in January heartbroken over my results of the NIPT. My bf and I decided against amnio to confirm due to the fact our girl was measuring great on ultrasounds. I went into preterm labor and gave birth to her 5 weeks early. Turns out my placenta was abrupting. Due to being a preemie she’s having a little NICU stay. We sent her cord blood off and received results of true positive yesterday. Our girl has no physical features (curved pinky, floppy, spaced out nipples). The doctor in the NICU has already referred us to PT and OT and they came by to see her and how strong and alert she is. This doesn’t mean we won’t have issues down the road but we are going to get a head start on making sure our girl has the resources she needs and developing along with her peers. We are so in love!


I am going through this right now with my 35 weeker. They are doing an EEG now but this process is so draining.

We did 2 middle names but I made it clear that I’ll only be using one as the main middle name

This is going on with me right now. Baby came at 35w1d and struggling with remembering to breathe. I am a mess

No pregnancy was pretty easy to be honest! These are the results of pathology:


CPM questions

My NIPT came back high risk for XXX back in January. My bf and I declined the amnio as our scans were perfect and it wasn’t changing our outcome because it’s definitely something we can handle. Our girl is here and arrived this past Monday. We did have her cord blood tested. She made an early arrival so we are hanging out in the nicu for a little bit while she still has a little maturing to do. I went into pre term labor at 35w and ultimately had to have a c section bc she was breech. When they got her out is when they found out the placenta was 25 percent abrupted. They sent it off to pathology and I recently received the results. There were quite a few issues with my placenta and it was extremely small for babies gestational age. Granted we sent the cord blood off and I could careless what the results say but a part of me is curious if this could be something that was confined to the placenta and caused it to deteriorate like it did?


My possible triple x baby was born at 35w this past Monday. We got her cord blood tested but talk about perfection. My heart is bursting

I was referred to MFM and had U/Ss every 4 week. Baby is measuring great and there’s nothing on the U/S. My bf and I decided not to do the amnio after speaking to people and what not. We plan to test at birth but to be honest we’re not even 100 percent sure we’re going to do that.