That one reddit post where the women kept snails as a pet and posted on a subreddit about them getting ill and dying. The next update it turned out her bf had been poisoning her pets and killing them. What made me physically sick is that he cooked and fed her the bodies in a curry. He video recorded her reactions and was laughing as she was eating it.

Oh it is different. I retract all my comments. He did no wrong. He KNEW her beforehand 😮😮😮

Yeah I hate that. I don't want to go out to eat if their just gonna watch me eat. It's off putting lol.

I'd be annoyed if I asked if you wanted to get dinner, you say yes. Then, when I ask where, you say you're not hungry. That irrates the hell out of me.

It's nice to have intimacy without having sex. Otherwise it makes it feel like a chore.

Gurl I feel you. I haven't really dated before, so I don't know when I should bring up my thoughts about pornography? Do I just straight-up ask? I don't want to ask a leading question like, "What porn do you like?" In case he feels he needs to just say a category. And even if I do find a man who doesn't watch pornography + understands about trafficking and the negative aspects of pornography.. will we even be compatible.

Violence that women face, particularly in the porn industry, is such a deep, deep issue for me. I can't comprise on this. And I also want to experience romance and intimacy and love. I want to commit to someone. I hate that these feelings are odds with one another... I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here, but I kinda just feel, yknow defeated.

Oh, I didn't realise that having children with your husband made you a whore?

They usually have buttons on them that limit how long the lead is.

I'm not sure how old you are, but as a 20 year old it is kinda outdated lol. If I'm at work and see an old man walk in, I inwardly groan as I know they are gonna want me to shake their hand. I hate how there's no polite way to avoid a handshake.

The amount of men (and it is) saying in that comment section that there is nothing wrong or "illegal" about a 60 year old man, within hours of meeting his child's 21 year old nanny, was was sexually/romantically involved with her is astounding...

Dumbledore/ Grindelwald.

(How are yall posting images..?)