I have a calico female about 6. She’s pretty tame for the most part, but once in a while will act out with full on paws of fury. Me and my fiancé have very little trouble putting her claw caps on so no one gets actually hurt during her episodes. She hasn’t acted out in any serious ways for almost a year but the last two days she’s been adamantly hostile towards our dog- who she grew up with as a kitten. For the most part they get along fine, you know I’ve got 100’s of pictures of them cuddling. But now it’s on site fighting for her, and the sweet old man has never fought back(he pees on the floor when she gets angry) and I can’t help but feel there’s some jealousy going on. I do show him more affection bc he’s more receptive to it, but I play with her with a string or the feather on a stick like 4 day a week. Has anyone else experienced something like this? She’s been stand-offish for the entirety of me knowing her this is kind of brand new