No reason Flygon couldn’t be buffed to pseudo stats, bump its speed up and add some to its special attack and maybe a little to its attack to make it a fast mixed attacker that’s a little more frail than Garchomp.

Or if you don’t want them to compete with each other as much then also take some out of its regular attack and really pump up its special attack and give it a signature sand based ground type move to take advantage of its new buff.

Roshi should win pretty easily but I love the mental image of the two frail looking dudes stepping up to each other and instantly bulking up before throwing hands.

Actually makes a ton of sense, marshmallows are made of gelatin and gelatin is what gives stuff like stock/bone broths their specific mouthfeel. And sugar is good with just about anything.

I don’t know a lot of these guys (only AM, Goku, and Garou) so I can’t say for sure, but All Might’s natural strength is enough to handle 100% of OfA, he didn’t have to train for it like Deku so if any of the other guys don’t have at least low level superhuman strength/durability without powers they probably wouldn’t be able to put AM down.

Adventure Quest, I put tons of hours into that game and ended up losing the account when we got a new computer

What if you just stay in the bathroom? I’m sure someone would check if they saw it occupied for a long time, but if they open the door and see it’s empty they’ll probably just leave it and you can lock it again.

I’m not saying it is. But the original comment is talking about a Xenoverse character so it doesn’t really matter whether or not it’s canon to the main timeline

In the context of Xenoverse, GT is canon since they include characters and story arcs from GT. As far as stuff like Xenoverse and DB Heroes go, basically everything related to Dragon Ball is canon whether or not it’s canon to the main story or not.

Due to a weird and often unused law, Trump may actually be acquitted of all his charges. Because the decision was unanimous in more than 33 counts, it has to follow a special appeals process in which an acquittal on any one charge can snowball into an acquittal of everything. If you want to learn more just google “Donald Trump rule 34”

Sir a second barrel has hit the towers

He could have won because he’d know to run away and go after Nagato, not because he could beat all 6 paths of Pain with intel.

1000-1200 Elo

Did it first try with that hint, but there’s absolutely zero chance I’d find that in a game. Sacing that many pieces consecutively to mate like that is crazy.

BJ contest. Only two scenarios, I beat you and I get to keep my soul or you suck it out of me, either way I win.

No the guide is right but confusing, the hot dog is from New York but is called a “Michigan”.

Genjutsu requires Jiraiya to look Itachi in the eyes, Sage mode sensory abilities allow him to fight without ever looking at him and also gives him the agility to avoid both the Tostuka blade and Amaterasu. Since Sage mode has no limit with Ma & Pa he could just outlast Itachi. Also if he’s able to get the Frog Song Genjutsu off then Itachi is done.

Itachi is still absurdly powerful (especially a healthy version) but it’s not a clear victory for him if Jiraiya starts in Sage mode. If Jiraiya starts in base and has to enter Sage mode then it should be an Itachi victory, but starting in Sage mode gives Jiraiya a huge boost to his chances.

You don’t need to swing it normally. Flip it upside down and the hammer acts as a counterbalance to the wooden club you’re now holding.

It won’t do as much damage but it’s a lot easier to wield and you still have the reach advantage over the regular hammer.

Seriously, it’s a nearly 20 year old console. Shit didn’t really work back then but we just went with it.

The Sannin were barely able to keep up with Hanzo. Nagato killed Hanzo. Sure the adult Sannin are stronger than their younger versions, but this version of Nagato can’t die and will never run out of chakra.

Unless we allow Orochimaru to summon some busted edo allies the Sannin lose.

Weird bit of trivia but this has actually happened at least once in recent history. In the 2016 Rio Olympics Bubba Watson played for the US Men’s golf team and at that point in his career he was self taught, he didn’t start working with a coach until a few years ago. He didn’t win any medals but he was T-8.

Yeah if he keeps drinking a ton he’ll definitely run out of sake

Changing engines would kill the FO and TES series. Basically everything that makes a Bethesda game special comes from their engine.

PvP basically doesn’t exist in 76. It does of course, but almost no one does it. You can turn on passive mode which makes it so you only take damage from other players if you accept by fighting back. You (or your camp) can be nuked by another player but it’s a lot of work and most of the time nukes are just used to start certain events.

I haven’t played 76 in a little while but when I did I never had to deal with any griefers or anything like that. The only players that interacted with me were high level players trying to help me or low level players that I had helped.

Help my deranged British friend fight an even more deranged “superhero” with parental issues.

Yeah but you could also ask for a full security detail. Or ask your enemies to not bother you. You could even ask your way up the ladder to an international broadcast to reach billions of people for anything you want

Why would dropping something they already figured out free up resources for other things? Sure, axing the settlement system in 4 might have made a difference then. But we’re talking about a system that’s existed for nearly a decade, other than some tweaks to fit in the elder scrolls universe it’d take next to no work to have in TES6. Not enough to make a difference anyway.