It'd be worth it for the victory parties.

9/11 still happens but no Iraq war. We probably catch Bin Laden in a year or 2 take him alive to interrogate.

No patriot act and a version of DHS and NSa are formed but with greater overnight.

No Child Left Behind is vetoed since anyone with 4 brain cells know that was poison to education system.

Public investment in renewable energy and possibly a public option ISP.

Lastly no Clarence Thomas or Alito on the Supreme Court.

I think it has to do with going to the same church as the priest who molested you and your father.

One Piece is still alive and growing.

The world is being shaken and shaped by the characters.

The central mystery of the Obe Piece draws ever closer.

Naruto is over he achieved his dream to be a desk jockey who works himself stupid while neglecting his wife a kids. Naruto was once great but it peaked and refuses to end.

Zoro cuts a path through the flames like Kaido's blast breath.

Then Jimbei grabs her ankles and pulls her under with the Jaws theme going full blast.

He put Thomas and Alito in place. He deserves all the hate and more. He was a puppet for his father and his family's evil ambitions.

He got into dare contest with Usopp and Chopper and Usopp dared him to steal something from Nami.

He decided to steal a kiss.

If anyone is going to pull it off it will be the man the myth the legend EICHIRO ODDDDDDAAAA.

Because if he can't do it then no one who goes beyond the length of Dragon Ball can.

His absence created expectations on who he is and how he can inherit a legacy.

To be a villain.

To be a hero in another country.

To be AFO or a minion of AFO.

Just something other than a faceless salary man working over seas.

When your protagonist is 14 they don't have much of past to dig into so a common tactic to make them more special is to have them inherit a legacy from their family.

Naruto did it made him an outright slave to multiple legacies.

As if I needed more proof Brain worm Bobby is a Russian agent.

Mihawk is actually smart enough to know how dangerous Luffy is.

Just including health as a number or bar raises the crunch and book keeping involved.

So this is already a litrpg, but hey if the characters actually are aware of their abilities and actively improving them does move the plot forward that is progression fantasy.

Unless Trump makes an EO on day one that it's illegal for democrats to hold public office and he has Schumer arrested or killed.

Remember, the president is a king now as long as they have the bloodstained R next to their name.

Maybe he wants to be there and ready to smack down the next Dark Lord?

Or he wants to be the competent responsible adult in a position of authority who should have handled all the crap he want through as a kid?

Be the change you want to see in the world and all that.

Social media is a long term strategy to kill the archive via misinformation overload.

Luckily it's only 2014 so our Ivy will be okay but the next archive is doomed

They combined all the various Earth regaining it's freedom days into 1 day like Parade day.

Why would them attack us now?

We are fucking up internally in a way beneficial to our enemies.

If we had another 9/11 that could be on Iran than holy shit the nation could rally behind Biden and he could use that crush Trump to death.

He was a dangerous moron who committed treason to try and get rid of summer vacation.

The Dude was out of his mind cuckoo-bananas, he needed to be locked up in a padded cell.

Plus if he really wanted to improve test scores nationwide and be evil and creepy about it, he should have targeted politicians who were actively defunding education and blocking legislation that would help. He already had the robot replicants and the ninjas he even had dungeon space to hold the dirty politicians captive.

This is the problem with these brain-dead fanatic types don't do some weird act of terror with a high chance of ending life on Earth, just aim your evil and crazy at the people who benefit financially the most from the continued existence if the problem you are trying to solve.

This is exactly why the remake is being made.

Fuji TV doesn't want to air filler because of the ratings drop. Toei execs don't care that they are about to crash into a brick wall, and they don't realize it's not 2002 anymore.

I pity the animators he'll even Oda is trying to help them by leaving points for them to expand the events of the story from things he offscreened.

Oda is taking extra breaks so he doesn't die at his desk like Toriyama, also meeting with Netflix to help with the live action.

It's a curse placed on the genre from Sword Art Online and countless other isekai anime and light novels.

There are too many Japanese neet gets isekaied into generic dragon quest style fantasy land and getting a harem of color coded loli slave girls.

Also from a narrative level, harems are cheap fillers. Instead of One romance plot with depth, character development and interesting possibilities. Generate a dozen or some stereotypical "cute" girls with no personality for the protagonist to collect like Pokémon.

It becomes formulaic need to point MC at a villain introduce damsel in distress. Need to reward an over powered MC for steam rolling generic villain #6, new girl of a new species that instantly falls in love with the MC. And this goes on forever until the fandom dries up.

Orihime duh.

She's fun she energetic she has developed social skills. Also she retains her looks into her 30s even after a child.

I can easily imagine dating and living with Orihime. Plus I don't have to worry about permanent injury illness or death.

Chichi is a raging bitch of spoiled warlord's daughter, I like some fire in women but damn I couldn't take that level of bitch 24/7.

Hinata would get boring. Sure she's hot but not much personality going on there, I've dated nice introverted girls before and they get boring fast. Also major family baggage with her father being an asshole and her clan being populated by slavery loving creeps and literal servants. And from what we sees in Boruto era she loses her looks fast, like she goes through reverse puberty in her early 30s.

Oh yeah there will be some blood.

The governorship will be decided by duel to the death.

The two senators will be chosen by steel cage death match.

The legislature and judiciary by battle royal.