I agree with you that she was first, just playin devils advocate 

But would the security puppet have been installed if not for the MCI???

You gotta put a * in front of it and behind for it, see? Cough

Same thing with me but for like punishing my dog for doin something bad. THE EYES MAN

To be honest the title is to lure you in, the attractive part is from being objectively attractive. I personally think she’s pretty because I like guys (✨) but yeah she’s generally pretty.


Hey, you. You clicked on this. You clicked on this either to yell at people whom are creeps, or you are the creep. To the people whom jerk off to Kris, I don't blame you, she's attractive. But to post things such as pictures of her almost showing her boobs and saying "😍" is downright disgusting. Do you fucking have a life? Did you even graduate middle school? Because y'all be acting like horny as fuck teenager boys who just discovered how to jerk off. You need to get a life. Go, touch some actual grass. Jerk off to a person who has an Onlyfans. Oh wait no... you can't. You're too poor because you don't have a life. So actually go live your life, actually live. Don't just sit inside jerking off to a woman who is attractive but just wants to be a YouTuber, who just wants to be funny. Go be a person whom doesn't suck.

Charge yo damn first of all. And when was this posted? Why do you go back through her entire TikTok page looking for something to jack off to instead of doing something with your life? “Oh well why would she post if she didn’t want us to see it?” She can wear what she wants, she can fucking wear nothing at all. (if she wanted to) But you still need to show respect. You need to seriously reflect on your own problems. You need to get off the internet. You need to get a life.

Can some of us be mods?

Like a hey can I be a mod? Thingy. Idk how that stuff works just would be nice if some people can be mods... :3 mmmmmmeeeeeee?

Idk if it’s hated but cellphone hour is a *vibe*

I would sell my firstborn child to play beetlejuice

In order: Charging station in lobby parking.  Holes in fences, Monty??? Spray paint over and behind chair. Specifically it’s from the use of a sticker like feature in games, it’s to paint a wall or surface without using textures. Freddy in a monty trash can. A trash bag in a trash can with a trash van in it???? Monty mystery mix, purple??? And the endoskeleton of the alligators.

That’d definitely be cool, I really want land stadium options, along with better lagoon stadium. If those aren’t fixed imma petition for it 

If we’re not able to do this is JWE3 imma be so sad