All but Raleigh and LA. Poland, Sweden, England x3 and now Germany

Lets go Team Hakis, Chluzio is playing with them

Have a very limited disposable income is a thing for most people you know.

I was talking about myself. I don't have money to spend, if I did, I probably would have a backlog.

Headphone warning, holy shit lmao

Non existent. I don't buy stuff I can't afford or get a lot of replayability out of.

RTX 4070ti | 7800X3D | 32GB DDR5 6000

Definitely have done that more times than I would like to admit lol

Lower taxes possibly, also look for empty buildings. I had the same issue with offices. Had a few empty office buildings (built but no company occupying it), deleted them and it fixed it.

I've had this with a colleague but they asked if they could speak in English to practice and I said I would continue in German and all was well. It's fun to communicate like that. We would also help correct each others mistakes.

Thank you so much for making this post OP. I was about to shower and the price doubled, so I'll be taking an ice cold shower xD and not using my pc in the evening. 3€ per kWh is insane.

Can back this up. I'm new to CS2 but have few hundred hours in CS. Industries carry my profits and kept me out of the red. Wood and Cotton seem to be the big earners, at least early on. I'm closing in on 40k Pop with 40k Cash an hour, about 1.5m monthly in the plus. Expand services slowly, early game put everything to 50% and slowly raise it as needed. Increase service fees to help, you'll earn more and citizens use less water/energy.

They could've also buffed other guns more to make them more viable. Would've opened up the gun meta more. Instead we only got a G7 buff so you'll probably see Havoc +G7/Hemlock now

Does anyone else find a lot of the building upgrades are just not worth it?

Example, the extra trash processing on the landfill adds an extra 20T per month (Base is 100T) for 100k in Wages, meanwhile a Landfill costs 100k in Wages. I have extra budget so numbers arent exact but my point stands. Youre paying 100% more in wages for 20% more trash processing power.

Quickly tested clinic, and its the same thing. Doubles the wages for 25 more patients, when 100 patients is the base amount.

The room he streams from is his office in his house. He can use it as a tax deduction because it's a separate room dedicated for his business. He most definitely can live in the house he owns while operating a business from it.