So it's impossible to run local tournaments?Question

Our group of TOs were planning on having Multiversus on the side as a test in local event where Smash tournament is the main attraction. The idea was to see how people respond to it and get an idea if it's worth investing time into. But now they removed the ability to play all characters locally? It is already a lot of work to find people who'd bring Smash with all DLC unlocked. Its not realistic at all for grassroots events to get all characters unlocked on multiple accounts.

No problem! This will of course not really affect online tournaments since every participant is expected to play with their own accounts. They might be able to gather a player base in the online space but I can't imagine them ever getting an offline audience.

Its a very different case in team games where you log in with your own account into one machine and play a long set Vs a fighting game event where a 1v1 or 2v2 is played on one machine and the set is 10-30 minutes.

As an example a local Smash tournament would have some of the participants bring their own console with the game in exchange for free tournament entry or at least some perks. It is often expected that the consoles will have all of the dlc unlocked so that when a 1v1 between two players starts, they should be able to go to any machine.

It would be a nightmare to try to organise a local tournament for Multiversus. I was considering doing a small fun local tournament as a side event in a bigger event just to test the waters but now that the characters are not available automatically in local play, it's not realistic for me to do.

You can get some pretty good games for 25 dollars. Why would anyone buy a costume for that much.

Thank you for the comment. Most of us felt that items like lightning are just so ridiculously dumb and unfun that we would like to maybe take it out. I can't imagine that removing it would make the game any fuckier than it is with it. We might have to do some tests to see.

Which items would you remove in a competitive tournament?Discussion

We are going to organize a local Mario Kart 8 tournament where we connect 8-12 switches to LAN. I noticed that it is nowadays possible to have custom item sets. We had a lot of discussion in Discord with our group about which items should be removed to balance the fun and competitiveness. What do you people think?

That's not going to work. You'll have to have a live feedback of your speech but with about 200 ms delay.

Its not about liking or disliking your own voice. Hearing what you said short circuits your head and it becomes very difficult to move forward. You can look up speech jammers online to try it on yourself

Like many have said: the gameplay is fun. Everything around it is so unnecessarily stupidly done. A lot of stuff doesn't matter to me personally but why no infinite rematch? It worked for Tekken 7.

Itse oon pari kertaa nähny nuorison kiusaamista. Noina kahtena kertana ku oon menny huutelemaan, on kiusaajat ollu ku peura ajovaloissa. Ei taida olla yleistä että kiusaamiseen puututaan.

The faces barely have any differences. They are different yes but it looks more like sliders have been adjusted very slightly. You can have two very similar looking faces in a live action TV show or movie. But in a video game it's so unnecessary because you can do whatever your imagination can come up with. So women having the same basic structure just feels like wasted potential.

It doesn't make me angry or like the game any less. I just find it super weird.

Our girl is the most well behaved girl in existence. My parents have been looking after ten grand kids before and have said that they have never seen a toddler that is so kind to everyone. But man she tries to commit suicide if you ever look away for more than ten seconds.

That was an interesting article. Thank you.

They had almost exactly what you described in T7 except that you would gain/lose a miniscule amount of points. They have a system in Mortal Kombat. After best of 3 you can choose to continue to play with the person unranked.

Or let's say it doesn't have the same impact as it did in the past. I believe this thing is here to stay and it is going to be basically expected. 

It is so overdone trick to get buzz that it doesn't even work anymore. Yeah yeah you juiced up and dehydrated for the scenes to look very vascular. Just like 50 other action heros.

I have seen a lot of great answers from child free people but this one is one of the best ones in a while.

It's annoying that the only way to get "true" shuffle is to take your playlist and shuffle the order of songs with an external service (I forget what the name was) and then run that playlist wihtout shuffle feature on. BUT then it's going to be always the same order.

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