It’s highly uncertain what’s going to happen with the 2024 Democratic presidential ticket, but one increasingly plausible scenario is that Biden steps down and the Democratic party goes with Harris.

If they decide to go this route, do you think it would help their chances if Biden resigned from office, thereby making Harris president?

This would let Harris run with a record not just as VP but also as (briefly) POTUS. And it might generate excitement in Democratic circles about giving the US the first woman POTUS. On the other hand, it would mean Harris would obviously have much more on her plate, making it perhaps more difficult for her to campaign.

Keep in mind, I’m not asking if Biden “should” resign in the sense of not being qualified to be President, and I’m also not asking if Biden would “like to” resign (obviously would be a blow to his ego, even more than dropping from the 2024 ticket). I’m just asking if you think it would help or hurt politically, in terms of helping/hurting a Harris ticket in 2024.