Same fam, my 2006 corolla got the same treatment. Still running great though.

Get to tha stompaaa!! Sweet build!!

Very slick patena on that flamer. Did you do the base or was that pre-made?

Whatculture horror used to be great...... back in my day

Work fast! Where are all the fuck-witts bombarding her with questions and basic ass questions? No one scheduled a meeting to discuss a problem that's already been solved?

Boss Ozzbekk sayz weel take da boy. Teech him how ta waaaaggh!!

Holy mortgage payment Batman! That's a hell of start for a dread mob.

Dead Alive (1992), the eating soup scene. I generally have a pretty good stomach for gross out movies, but that scene made me tap out.

Metal killa kan, sweet! All models still legal for play, minus the looted predator....Vindicator, I think? Not much for a competitive lineup but plenty to get you started!

Yes! Scored a bootleg DVD box of the whole series in Afghanistan, but it got lost during a move. Would love to take another lap through this awesome show!

Ballin. Maybe get some texture on that base and she's ready for the show room.

Sweet. Feeling like i need to get some TMNT Mousers for grot kans now.

Woohoo Boyz! That's a fine dread mob if ever I've seen one. Might need to get some more trukks, otherwise that's a banging start!

It's a cool looking vehicle, but I don't think I like it as a bat mobile.

That's awesome. It's your wife furious or are you happy?

Getting some serious Doom Spider demon vibes here... Otherwise sick build, bro!

Vietnamese. The right place might be here, just haven't found it yet.

Homer, beware old men in sneakers! They're quite good at sneaking!