I’ll be right over with my lawn chair!

I think it’s a bot or AI. 3 comments that should fit, but a real human knows that they don’t. It’s just wrong.

We are immersed in it. These guys are probably hearing of it as a far off tale from another land. Even if they have television and see it, it’s certainly not the same as living it.

Mom had tons of hummingbirds because of her red bee balm!

Yes, from the little snippets I’ve seen, she does seem to have something going on.

I wasn’t clear at all, sorry. The end of their comment talked about the “remnants” of bottle deposit now. Some states still have bottle deposit.

I can read maybe a sentence and a half and then it cuts off. Can’t read the whole description, so I’m very glad OP repeated it in the post!

OP also posted another Far Side with a similar theme, so it was probably more like a joke about the joke. No one is saying Gary Larson actually believes this. It’s just a cartoon dude.


Gary Larson, the cartoonist.

I have seen people suggest this strategy before. I’ve also seen sad posts of people frustrated they got deleted at ultra. I don’t think you’re going to get much support for this view when people on this sub are already upset that they are losing out on 200,000 XP with a lucky egg.

I’m sure there’s a tiny percentage of people that are unaware of what they’re doing. But I’m guessing the majority just don’t care about the other person who is missing out. It’s seems really selfish to me.

Am I the perfect PoGo friend? No, I could do better with sending/opening gifts a little more regularly. If I’m busy, I try to at least send gifts so they have something to open. But sometimes work is crazy, or I’m sick and I get a little behind. Thanks to all the PoGo friends that have stuck with me!

Our local grocery was an IGA when I was growing up. I’ve mentioned this on another post, but when I was quite young, mom would sign the back of the grocery receipt, and they would tuck it away under the register. Then when dad got paid, we would pay for the groceries.

It worked well until mom went to sign, and then the lady produced the receipt from last time, that we had forgotten to pay. My mom was very upset, because for sure we didn’t have the money to pay for both. I think she wrote a post dated check. I believe a lot of people were struggling at the time, and not too much longer after that, they discontinued the practice.

IIRC, when the elderly store owner retired, they sold it to someone local who kept it going for a while, and then it closed. Then a different business, and it closed. I think perhaps it’s local village council offices now. (It was literally not big enough to qualify as a town).

This picture genuinely makes me so happy. Congratulations to you both, long life and happiness!

Mental illness, depression, suicide, it all sucks, yes. But on every post mentioning Robin Williams, someone is angry over his death. I’m angry about his disease, but I’m not angry about his death.

It makes all the difference, I don’t hold it against him at all. No one would want to go through that.

Mom had dementia. Took care of her for a few years until she started getting aggressive with the other family member helping me and they understandably refused to continue. So then we had to place her in memory care, it was a decent place with activities and decent staff. She was doing pretty well. And then the money ran out, and we had to put her in an not nice place where there was very little interaction. She did not do well, and she passed a couple of years ago. It sucks.

Don’t forget to clear out some room in your Pokémon storage!

You’re awfully negative for someone on the MadeMeSmile sub. It doesn’t cost me anything to be supportive and kind. It’s not hard to believe someone was in an abusive situation. Could they be lying? Sure. Still didn’t cost me anything by being caring. Have a great day! 🌻🌞

Then don’t give them free stuff, and move on.

Still, he was a part of our lives. Sometimes he was the only quiet, calm and caring adult we had.

It’s nice she was able to get away from the media circus and be with people she cared about for a little while. I can’t imagine how awful it must have been.