I have heard nothing but bad things for the comics in comparison to the show up until this point, so the fact that the show and comic are matching up on something so bad bodes horribly.

Yea, and the gore also contributes to it being straight up banned in multiple major countries with big E-Sports scenes.

When will people stop judging MK1 by its evo numbers, as if previous NRS games had gangbuster turnouts.

MK is a casual game, always has been. It has issues but they aren't related to evo any more than they have been for X, 11, or IJ1/2.

The episode had r*pe and you're saying a parody of Spider-Man in a show made to parody superheros would be disliked?

I never get this point whenever it's made to any fandom. Of course a place dedicated to the diehard fans of a media will be more critical, because they care about it.

I think she's gonna recover and this is just a temporary thing, but its effects will be long-term.

Sage said she can heal damage to her brain, and if a shot to the head can recover into her talking/walking, it should recover to full brainpower.

But the fact that she was an embarrassment when HL needed her the most is without a doubt going to make him distrust/talk down to her, then you consider she failed to find the mole plus HL is likely going to give Firecracker (who hates Sage) special treatment, I think they're setting Sage up to betray HL and this scene is setting that fully in motion.

We already know she's got a contingency of sorts by letting A-Train live, so she'll either continue down that path or rat him out from fear.

Damn that's actually a really solid point, nicely put.

I'll agree that a deconstruction of Spider-Man isn't as essential as other more fantastical heroes, but I still do think that they could've done more with Web-Weaver power/story wise, or anyone for that matter, in place of a good 90% of the 'TekCave' scenes. If not to parody Spider-Man, at least to make him stand out.

Exactly, a character we haven't seen properly utilized before is entirely wasted on shock humor that isn't shocking because we've seen it before and it goes on for far too long.

There was but that raises another question of why didn't Tek Knight - the master detective - see that the hole had no shooter?

I know, but they all had more to do and more of an actual impact, contrary to what the original comment said.

I know he's a gag character, I'm saying he shouldn't have been one and the time spent on gratuitous repetition could've been used for him.

I literally called out Tek Knight being wasted in my original post.
Noir had (has) a story, and lore, and background.

I'm not saying Web-Weaver needs a spin on his powers necessarily, just that if they did go the route of another sex-gag, why didn't they at least use his powers in an interesting way (Termite, Multiplication Man).

I know they get more screen time because they're in the Seven, I never said they weren't fleshed out, in fact I said the opposite.

It's idiotic to want a show to reach its potential instead of being repetitious?

Next time, please read the original post and comments prior, before commenting.

Or at the very least, a fair few unique intro/outro scenes for each character.

I've gotten so sick of the same exact animations/frames in every match of SF6 when a good chunk of people use the same/similar characters.

But he could contribute to the plot, that's my point, he had no bearing on anything and was a waste.

Tek Knight, Soldier Boy, Gunpowder, Crimson, Mesmer, Doppler, Popclaw, all non-Seven members with more screen time and actual stories, so saying "Only members of the Seven matter" doesn't make a lot of sense.

I get that they aren't going to give every hero ever a spin, but with a character as popular and storied as Spider-Man, to waste him on 30 minutes of BDSM for nothing just feels like such a missed opportunity.

You couldn't argue that at all. You're telling me Maeve, A-Train, Starlight, The Deep, Noir, etc are all just characterized as 'basically evil'?

*That Hero* was completely wasted in favor of gratuitous repetition (Episode 4x06)SpoilerSeason 4

(That Hero is Web-Weaver btw)

We've seen what an 'evil' Superman can do, but an evil/unheroic Spider-Man? I can't think of any mainstream pieces that actually turn Spider-Man on his head in a way that isn't just making him a freak/monster. The writer's could've taken the time to explore a unique spin on one of if not the most iconic superhero ever, but instead what do we get? The same crap we've seen before.

We know supes are sexual freaks, we've seen it before with Herogasm, and they offered nothing to make this episode stand out or justify it. With Termite and the multiplication man's scenes it was at least amusing to see how their powers are used for non-heroic things, but Tek Knight's powers of deduction had no bearing on the BDSM play so genuinely what was the point? They could've given us a cat and mouse style episode where he's always 1 step behind the heroes, but I guess that'd be harder than just going on the Hub and doing whatever the top result is.

It wasn't for Hughie's character, he's been through the wringer as recently as the previous episode, and rather than explore how having his dad murder 3 people (which he is kinda responsible for) impacted him, they throw on something as intense as r*pe (which we also know Supes do).

Now we have to spend an episode focusing on this horrific thing that happened to Hughie as opposed to the other horrific thing when there's a dozen far more interesting things going on and we've all seen it before. I highly doubt the writers even know how to write those scenes since they couldn't be arsed to in this episode.

It feels like the writers are just doing the same thing and expecting people to be so shocked by something they've done before, but even if you are, once the shock wears off what are we left with? A large chunk of an episode wasted on something we've seen before with 0 substance.

There's 10 episodes left in this show and it just feels like filler, as well as a waste of one character and gratuitous abuse of another, all the while missing the parody that this entire show is meant to be.

Easily the 2nd best theme in Sf5, beaten only by Rashid

Since NRS games are structured around a story, Marvel has so many characters, and they love their franchises, I'd make a trilogy of games:

  1. Civil War - Focused on Earth/MCU characters + include Fantastic Four, Doom as the main villain forcing the rift between Cap & Iron Man
  2. Avengers vs X-Men - Introduce the X-Men and a war between the 2 factions, with half the roster being X-Men characters, I'd like the Sentinels and an anti-mutant character to be the main villain but Stryfe being sort of a secondary antagonist
  3. Cosmic Crisis - Full on, everyone can be here, decent amount of space characters, include the infinity stones but don't focus on them, Galactus/Dark Phoenix as main threats

Going off of Injustice 2, roster size would be around ~28, increasing as the games go on, with every character having customizable arms, legs, torso, head, & a special gear piece (Spiderman's logo, Cap's shield, Doom's cloak). We'd mix it up each game but the only characters who'd be in all 3 base roster are: Iron-Man, Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Spider-man, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, Loki, & Dr Strange.

We'd have DLC packs with characters who people love but don't fit the story, i.e the first game would have Thanos as a pre-order bonus (scummy ik but on-brand for NRS), along with a couple guest characters from Disney. Premier skins as well, and we'd try have a balance of heroes & villains, and different franchises (no Marvel vs Capcom situation where there's loads of X-Men but no Spidey villains).

Nah, not only is that still a big ask even if NRS has the licenses to both, I think it'd be better to have 1 or 2 Marvel only games since there's so many characters.

Yea, I hate it too when people talk about one of the most popular fighting games in a subreddit about fighting games.

Do you know about brutalities as well? They're essentially a better version of fatalities because of how fluid they are and they actually require skill to pull off.

It makes perfect sense to me, he basically tells Tomas to stfu when he's called on "abandoning tradition", so it's clear this Bi doesn't give a rats ass about things like gender as long as you can get the job done.

The main theory about Kessler is that he's a hallucination, which episode 5 seems to further prove given how the Doctor reacted to Butcher and "him" at the end.

But, what if Kessler is the one taking control when Butcher blacks out and the 'worm' thing wriggles free, just like how Stephen Grant and Marc Spector work in Moon Knight. This would make sense given Kessler's always telling Butcher to do what needs to be done and forget about family/morals/The Boys: he's his more committed side, as opposed to Becca who's his more sensitive part.

When things get incredibly dire, Kessler takes full control and is unconditional in his brutality.

Makes sense. I reckon there's plenty with powers either so mundane they're worthless, or so amazing they want them to be kept secret.

Plus as an entertainment company it makes sense they'd cycle them around to keep things fresh.

Iirc they said there were over 200 supes active (which seems low, I would've guessed at least 1000), so for a big finale they could easily just throw a few dozen in to make this shot work without delving into each one and their powers.

Give some variety to the types (i.e some with wings, some glowing) and people can safely assume the rest.

New player too here, I plan on waiting for the big mid year sales to snag Sf6+S1 at half off.

Then, if you can, wait till the 2nd anniversary when they announce S3 and you should be able to get season 2 for 50% off (this happened a few weeks back with the 1st anniversary sale).

Bonus to waiting is that you can see if the Outfit 3's are worth the extra money.