National B License

Yep, exactly. They just bought him as well, so of course they'd want more money. It's not FIFA, players don't just have a set value.

Probably true tbf šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

National B License

Higher team/league reputation and longer contract are the biggies

Ah, fair enough, I would've threw the bottle at the keeper's head!

Would have subbed him off immediately, point finger and criticise him in the dressing room and then warned him for a bad performance afterwards. Then it's down to the B team for a while...

:jamesacaster: James Acaster

Love his scenes in VLDL! Is this TM NZ? Might have to give it a watch now...

It's just populist bullshit to get those lacking in critical thinking skills to vote for them. Unfortunately it works

I'd definitely consider it, because I could send them the majority of the money and set them and their future generations up for life - I'd instruct someone to inform them the money was from me and I love them etc, doesn't seem to be against the rules.

I'd also try to clone myself and send the clone to replace me

You're curious if that's dangerous? Have you had a traumatic brain injury recently?

Coniston is great and doesn't seem to get as busy as other places for some reason. Loads to do there with the water as well

Murica! Home of the free...

I've always thought this and the lack of academy products coming in to the first team are unforgivable sins

  • Isotonic/electrolyte drink or 2 and half of a footlong subway or pizza BEFORE you go to sleep.

  • Another isotonic/electrolyte drink and an energy drink with the rest of the cold subway/pizza from the night before for breakfast.

  • Then a get fully under some cool water - shower or bath are fine, but swimming pool or sea seem to be best.

  • Plenty of water and food through the day.

60% of the time, it works every time.

They claim to still hate "Commies" but will vote for Putin's bitch to be the first criminal president

That's great advice, thank you. Going to WoB for all that good stuff soon! I was considering downloading it a lot of it, but there's obvious issues there

Same here. DM me if you're still looking