North of The River

Nah they need to let us know how cool they are for not caring about the question.

North of The River

You might like Grand Boulevard Cafe or Trotters Cafe, both in Joondalup.
Basil's Fine Foods does a 👍 square sausage but I can't speak to its authenticity.

North of The River

Clonakilty is the correct choice for black pudding.

McLoughlin's for sausage rolls though!

They had Angel Parsons for the rest of the week, so this is the only day Dee's done.

North of The River

There was a rule change around the end of 2015. (Some wwoofing work had exceptions, IIRC.)

North of The River

You're welcome!

Well, the IVDD risk alone. There are ways to mitigate the risk, but no way to prevent it. You basically have to be prepared that your dog could suddenly become paralysed (or die), moreso than most other breeds. Obviously random occurrences can happen to any dog, but these dogs have it built into their genes.

There is an old saying about how dachshunds only like other dachshunds, but you just need to make sure to socialise them properly so they don't become reactive to other dogs. Because your parents have had other breeds I wouldn't be too worried about them feeding into that, though. (Some people go into it with that mindset and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.)
My main behavioural concern would be that they're quite prone to anxiety, so your parents just need to make sure they're on top of training, and not coddle the dog too much.

No-one's made a post complaining about them yet, and it's been a whole week, so they may be the most widely accepted duo since Matt and Alex.

North of The River

Yeah this is pretty fucking depressing on a whole different level to bong in the bathroom.

North of The River

A lot of them no longer count for the 88 days regional work though.

North of The River

I'm on the don't get one side, but if that's a losing battle there is a rescue/rehoming service, rather than adding to breeder demand:

North of The River

That bit I added because my saying there were three cars involved was incorrect. Note I didn't give any information about the make/model/colour of the cars in my aftermath description.

I just watched this the other day because I'd seen several people mention it. Was definitely worth it.

North of The River

There was one person pulled over who I assume was a witness. I'm guessing from this he didn't have a dashcam but hopefully someone in the vicinity did.

North of The River

The person behind me was taking photos/videos while driving and I must admit I would have laughed if she then got a flat tire (or bumped a fire truck) because she wasn't paying attention to navigating around the debris on the road.

I just don't get what the point is. No-one's going to pay you money for those photos, and you're not going to look back on those photos. And if you like car crashes there's plenty of media out there already.

Plus it matches a scene Matty acted out in his gigs, so it gets it even more attention.

North of The River

Not sure how it happened.
The car with the least damage (smashed up front) was facing the wrong way in the turning lane, the car the firies were working on was in the very middle, and the other car (seemingly also fire affected but I'm not 100%) had gone over the right hand side corner verge on Rangeview.

Edit: the car in the very middle and car over the verge seem to have actually been two sections of the same car, so that's horrifying.

PSA - Big accident Hepburn Ave/Rangeview RoadGeneral

Traffic's down to one lane either side.
Three totalled cars and a few fire engines.

The people from two cars aren't there (firies were working on the third car so couldn't see) but I figured anyone driving with their curious kids may want to avoid the area.

Update: Hepburn Ave is closed eastbound at the Mirrabooka Ave roundabout, and westbound from The Avenue.

Also, I should have added the area: the border of Landsdale and Alexander Heights.

Edit: I think what I saw as two cars was actually one car split into two sections. Apologies for the misinformation there.

Interestingly (well, not really) I had come into this only having vaguely known about Sharona (from promos or seeing a few minutes when it was airing), but my partner only knew of Natalie so seeing there was someone else first was odd.
But that meant I'm definitely Team Sharona.
I do accept Natalie, though it also took me a few episodes to stop being openly standoffish/hostile towards her. Because she does have a different vibe. (Even though they were like let's get another attractive blonde single mother of a pre-teen kid.) And I was still mad, so not entirely the fault of the character. Lol.

Oh no, there's no "each other" when it comes to this club. It's one lady. One lady around the age of 60.

"Pelayo, for his part, is a 21-year-old defender, who generally operates on the left side of a back-four." (