NTA. I would leave her, like what others have mentioned, how would she handle you if you were depressed or if something tragic happened?

trainee questions

Hello! I just applied (about a month ago) for a trainee position at a Texas state park. I’m just wondering if I should follow up at all while my application is “under consideration” and if I do not get the position, what are ways to beef up my resume? (Bio grad with a minor in environmental science) thanks!

NTA, if I had been in the group chat and saw that I would’ve laughed. Some of the kids here just have no critical thinking skills, it’s honestly terrifying.

similar story in my family, except it was my uncle and the kid he inappropriately touched was my sister. I’ve made it very clear that I will not be around him and any future children will not be around him. My grandmother (his mom) has “forgiven him in the eyes of the church”

Don’t forgive and don’t forget.

Meal Ideas help!
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