I kept relapsing and the result was always the same. My mind would tell me I could do other drugs and they just made me kiss the drug I loved. Then, I’d relapse. Or I’d tell myself I got a year clean I know I can do my drug of choice just once and that I could manage it now. I kept making myself the exception to the guidelines of getting recovery for long term. The fact is that the mental temptation is so strong even years later at time a for me, I have ADHD and when I am not medicated or able to get the meds I need for that I have a tendency to make impulsive decisions as well. Finally, maybe it’s just growing out of it, but the past 3yrs of sobriety I’ve been living besides my adhd meds but they’re prescribed and very much needed (although I even forget to take them many times I’m getting better at seeing the pattern not that I’ve established one or losing every single thing over and over! I couldn’t even stop for my kids as much as it killed me, I signed my rights to my kids to a family member and I’m now finally stable enough to be back in their lives. I find that I realize it only ruins my life over and over. I finally had really good support from my spouse that the time and that helped but he was abusive in other way so I now have a boyfriend who is the Most compatible man that I have ever been with and that helps soooo immensely!

Dude I don’t even understand what other people are saying half the time I’m on shrooms. Maybe I take too much but sometimes it’s like other people are speaking another language. It mos def is when I’m at peak.

I grew from a sperm seed. I say go into the woods or some shit.

Yes I was totally sex starved in my marriage. I’m not now. Glad that shits over with.

Totally! I’ve been a runner for most of my life and I’ve lived all over the country. Nothing is scarier than running on the road where there is no sidewalk in a rural area, where you know that many people are likely drunk driving. Everytime I read of a hit and run or pedestrian death it makes my blood run cold!

He thought you drove like shit, I’m assuming. Or maybe he thought you’d be hot and was disappointed. These are my only thoughts 😂 either way, funny post.

This happened to me too at one point and I cannot only think that either may crazy ex put something in my drink or I got second hand smoke or some shit but I absolutely tested positive on 3 different tests from 3 different places… Good luck OP, I never figured my situation out, my clinic ended up overlooking the results because I’d been clean for years, thankfully! I just retested for them the day they gave me the results and it was clean again. Thank god! I had a week take home at that point and now I have two weeks as that was over a year ago and I haven’t had any dirty tests in between…

Yup! I was about to ask why she hasn’t gone no contact because this woman doesn’t sound as if she’s enhancing OP’s life in any way, shape, or form!

Omg my favorite cat ever looked so much like this cat. His name was Dr. Doogans Meowser M.C. Oh he was my best friend growing up… RIP Doogie boy!

A German cockroach. There are many more where it came from I’m sure.

This happened to me when I was watching Green Acres (on Nick at Night like 25years ago 😂) while tripping my ass off! They were all in my living room I swear!

Driving is a privilege, not a right. People should look at it this way as well.

Most clinics start at 30mg but that won’t be shit to you because your tolerance is so high if you’re smoking fetty. Honestly most people on fent end up leveling off on 100+mg/day when they’re on that shit. I suppose that 30mg would take the edge off but you’re still gonna feel the pain withdrawing. I guess I’d do like 50mg the first day, the 40 day 2, 30 day 3, and then switch to kratom after or use a red vein kratom at the same time during the entire process… Incorporating the kratom with the methadone could help exponentially… also, if you can find some, gabapentin would be a Godsend with the methadone and Xanax! Good luck! I’ll pray for you tonight, it’s great to hear another addict trying to recover! You can do it; your quality of life will improve so much once you quit, I promise you!!

Fucking hate the beach! And the atmosphere is like douche bag, drunk club partying. There’s really only souvenir shops with stupid ugly tee shirts and depressing dead star fish for sale (which cost a ton). The hotels are WAAAAY overpriced as well. Unless the beach has some sort of cool geological anomaly I am super cool on vacationing at the beach.

I can tell you right now that no woman 25 and under would want his ass for anything other than a sugar daddy!

I used to be a hair dresser, I also have dry, out of control, curly hair and I have about the same routine you’re talking about. Curly hair, especially long curly hair is generally very dry in nature and it doesn’t need to be washed as much. Whereas, fine, straight hair looks oily if it isn’t washed daily.

I have pretty severe ADHD and I make rituals. If I get up to go to the bathroom I must do a hygiene ritual as well as a household one. This is how I’ve managed to get by all of these issues.

I was thinking ADHD as well.

Recently had a 1999 Toyota solara and the sunroof never leaked ever.

I generally try to because this is the only way my ADHD ass is getting there on time

I’m 44and did this last month again. I have left everything multiple times in my life because material items are a ball and chain around you ankle. The less shit you have, the more free you are!