:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

France24 News article

"The policeman was "stabbed several times in the area of the head" while trying to intervene, local police said in a statement.

Immediately following the attack, he underwent "emergency surgery and was put in an artificial coma", but "died of his injuries" on Sunday, police said."

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

They are hard workers, most of then

The problem is the cunts

Lots of evangelicals (absolut twats), you cant fart without them preaching the lawds word

And the guys that think they are the hot shit and the best and keep saying the portuguese are moroons and dumbasses and yet these mofos keep getting their salaries pawn by the state for not paying their taxes because they think their smart (have witnessed 3 of them just this year, we are a company of 20)

This is my feedback from 3 companies and 13 years of telecom.

But this goes both ways, when I lived in France, I liked Pierres more than Portuguese, most were absolute cunts and acted like you were there to steal their jobs while the French didn’t care and even tried to help me learn the language.


reminds me of this, good ol times

vais ter sempre à base do hardware

seja do router do operador, a zona onde estar o router ( sem existe muito ruido), o hardware do cliente, etc etc

Cheguei apanhar pessoas com portas 10/100Mbps e queriam os 200Mbps lá....

Opa é possivel, usando um adaptador Giga...

The god damm box reminds me of a Windows Vista CD box

Jesus i'm old

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic


:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

yeah, no shit

we would kick them all out if we could

and most companies that do this are UK owned, but yeah...

there is always one guy that gets tapped to a traffic light

É o melhor speedtest que se pode fazer, é escusado avisar as pessoas sendo que 99% usa só Wifi

Tive N instalações, quando fazia VDF Fibra, que tive que explicar a todos, que os 200/200 que iam ter era por rede fixa e não wifi

Podiam ter por wifi mas com um router melhor e um telemovel/pc que consiga atingir essas velocidades

Grande parte do tuga não tem ou nem sequer quer saber, mas reclamam quando a velocidade contratada não chega por wifi

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

we want Barry money, not these cunts money

Barrys spends more and better than them hooligans

"The United States does not have an official language. English is the most widely used language in the U.S., and some states designate it as their official language."

"People in the U.S. communicate in more than 350 languages. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, some of the most widely spoken languages other than English are Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Arabic."


trying to listen to the videos but I keep hearing a middle aged toddler in the background... the type that deservers a hit in the face with a bassebal bat

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

I mean... maybe it´s the army they need to stop being twats

I had a cousin that was an absolute ass and his time in the military did "knock" is attitude down a little and he's more bearable

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

Brought by "Cheap Holidays for 20+ people packs"

We in Algarve suffer this scheiss every year...

God dammit Barry, stop sending hooligans our way

because curve detects it as a Bulgarian currency card ( NEXO is Bulgarian)

thats why, it dont matter the currency of the card, if it´s eur, gbp, usd. the card is issued in Bulgaria and Curve detects it as well, so it´s default currency is BGN

My brother in Christ, you messed up

When you add crypto cards on Curve, always, but always, check the currency it´s on

Mine was also on BGN ( Bulgarian)

Same with other cards, only Naga got it right when I added

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

that's rich from a nation that started to use perfume because bathing was a calling for sex so the church said "no no, no sin in here, be dirty you peasents"

:Portugal: :Norte: Speech impaired alcoholic

Oi, you have to share a little with us

Don't forget Pierre visited us because we refused to stop selling trinkets to you