At Dillard's about 15 years ago, I asked if they carried Hermes. The Cosmetics woman looked at me like I was nuts. I spelled it out for her, even added that they usually make nice scarves, still nothing. She'd been snobby to me for a few minutes already so I was testing her a little bit. Then she says, "Maybe try one of those fragrance kiosks at the mall."

I can't believe she came at me so hoity toity and didn't know Hermes.

I have super conservative family members that think we must let the education system go to sh/t to "fix" everything. AKA, there's going to be a whole a$s generation that gets no education because "education needs to be fixed."

So, you want.... stupid people?

I always think of this first. They pushed advancements in technologies for their religion for a good 200 years and then that was it I guess.

This medicine completely saved my skin as well! I hope OP sees this.

Vanilla Rock Candy Sugar is patchouli heavy! Don't get that one for work, ha, ha. But I do see other good suggestions on here. I wanted to add Vanilla Vibes by Juliette Has A Gun.

I wouldn't wear patchouli in an office. It can offend people πŸ˜¬πŸ€—πŸ₯²πŸ˜‚

I do that. I use some pretty hair ties. Then I can just smell my wrist all day!

While taking genetics class 2 years ago I learned that there are people with disorders that are using IVF to have children with their specific disorder. AKA, they are choosing to have children with achondroplasia. Some of these parents said they wanted a child so that they wouldn't be alone with the disorder and the child would fit into the family.

Why would you want to purposefully give your child a disorder so bad that you possibly can't even sit your child up in a seat for the first few years of life, lest their pelvis gets messed up?! A child that might die of heart disease very early in life, may be in constant pain, etc. So I agree with you. I think it's unconsciable.

I watch a lot of the people that were already mentioned but I wanted to mention Janelle Zamora AKA perfumes from my closet. I think that's what it's called. You can tell she has collected perfumes for a long time and she never tries to sell anything.

Oh yes! I like this answer and thought process ....

Phlur's Solar Power. I need to find an excuse to go pick it up without my husband insisting on going with me though. 🀣🀣🀣

I don't care for bare vanilla tbh, so I'm not sure I'm the best to answer that. But it's lighter and fresher I think?

My mother came and visited me and I had already told her that I had quit smoking. L o l

I did that too! At one point I was smoking 0% for three days and didn't even realize it. Quitting the hand-to- mouth movement made me grouchier than no nicotine, believe it or not.

Ewwww. Your husband has cognitive dissonance really badly. I'm glad you're leaving.

Oof! That stinks!

I like the la Roche Posay one and the Kiehl's ultra facial cream. They don't make my face red/ redder. Maybe try samples of those? Maybe it's the physical sunscreen?

They have this new Wild Neroli one (that just came out) that I want, and one called Sizzling Vanilla that I go nose blind to pretty fast but it'd be so great to layer with JHAG Vanilla Vibes! And then they also have a new fig one that lasted a few days on a tester strip in my car! I'm so impressed with the longevity; I think I need that one, too! LOL. I think it's limited edition.

I sprayed flowers with perfume to help with pollination. I thought it might attract more bees. My mother never found out what happened to her perfume. 😬 I was young and all I knew is that we wanted to help the bees. L o L.....

I've tried probably 12 brands of eye brow pencils and the Sephora one is actually really good!

Skincare, like toner, moisturizer, cream and my favorite fragrances 😁😁😁

Dang. You got out. I wonder how many people are able to do that. Kinda proud of you, stranger. πŸ˜„

I wish this kind of indoctrination was illegal too. I can't even tell my own mother that I'm an atheist and she's just a horrible horrible catholic. Like, dropped us off every Sunday for church but never went with us kind of catholic. Prays the rosary every night but has been married 3 times, had affairs, drinks too much and gossips about everyone. I guess you could say she's a "fun" catholic πŸ˜†