Weird lighting in Fortnite.QUESTION

Recently, I upgraded my PC, and got the new 4070 graphics card. Now, my fortnite graphics settings are maxxed out for graphics. However, there is a strange visual (bug?) going on. When I look into a building from outside, it looks really really dark. When I go into the building, however, it looks fine, but now the outside looks horribly glaring. This is extremely annoying, because it makes it so hard to spot campers or players in general. Anyone experiencing this too?

Early to middle takes a long timez so i guess thats why most people quit before finding the fun stuff

Is it even possible to permanently remove a hive skin?

  1. Almost had a stroke reading that.
  2. You hope that all poor people never play roblox again?

You're either horrible at English or sick in the mind. Praying that it's the former 🙏

  1. Title. So with the same logic, poor people deserve to die since they cant afford things?

  2. Not every free avatar is an alt.

I have made a detailed post on Roblox. Please check it out too!

The Price Floor Can't Continue.Discussion

Roblox recently released the most abhorrant update: The Price Floor. For those who don't know what it is, let me explain: Rather than making a set price for an item, Creators will have to control an item's price by specifying how much the want the item to be above the price floor, and the lowest price they're willing to sell an item. Price floors will be subject to change at any time depending on current "market dynamics". Price floors may be changed more frequently at the beginning of this rollout (at least once a day) until Roblox moves to more optimized price floors. Initially, most changes will be 15 Robux (up or down) in price daily.

So, why is this bad? Because, well, inflation. Who remembers when they got donated a 100 robux and got so excited to make your avatar go from a complete noob to a decked out pro? Who remembers when 100 robux could get you a hat for 50 robux, a set of clothes for 10 robux, and still have 40 robux to buy multiple small accesories? Who remembers when you could get classic-looking accesories by Roblox for 10-30 robux?

This is getting out of hand. Just look at the Crimson Shaggy for the worst example. From 2 robux to 90+? Absolutely unacceptable. Right now, more than half of the items in the catalog are not worth their price anymore.

So, why did Roblox do this? Theie corporate ass can come out with 50 reasons to sugarcoat this. But, we all know that they just want more money. But, aren't they already a multi-billion company? Do they really need to squeeze more money out of the pockets of children? Literal children?

Now, I will propose an action, an action that has the power to put a stop to this nonsense, once and for all. From today, the community will STOP buying items from the catalog. Soon enough, Roblox will notice the drop in their profits, and hopefully revert it to how it was. The catalog is in such a disgusting state right now, that my 61 robux can't even do anything.

This. Needs. To. Stop.

Thats insanely quick! Ive got the pro gear from the pro shop. Any tips?

Bruh, i remember getting like 100 robux and spending it on multiple small accesories from the roblox hat section for like 10-20 robux. Miss those days.

Hmmm..... im not the person to ask, but id say honey mask (based on the vids i watched)

Nah, its value is only what is is rn cuz of its high position on the list of fruits in the shop

Arent mixed hives better for early game? Also whats ur gear rn? Can show pic?

While it is a 1 in 5,000,000, you got the shittiest one 😭🙏 there are so many better looking auras <5mil. Dude i hope you cook soon, i really do

That was like last time... the only people hyping leo rn are the kids who are under the illusion of "since its a rare and expensive fruit, it must be so good! 🤓"