I might just be coping because I loved the movie as a whole so much, but to me the bad CGI at the beginning was on purpose, because it seemed to get better as the movie went on. Like they were mimicking the feeling of being in the tv audience, thinking everything was just being faked by the show but slowly realizing that it was all real the whole time.

Again, might just be cope - my favorite forms of entertainment are horror, documentaries, and late night talk shows, so this movie was always going to be amazing to me no matter what.

I’ve seen several of my extended family members drink themselves to death. It’s probably the least dignified way to go out. My aunt’s husband managed to survive a hospital stay from multiple organ failure but kept drinking anyway, the last time I saw him before he died he was slumped in an armchair, incoherent, and drooling all over himself. The hardest was my cousin because she was only in her 30’s. At her funeral, her 5 year old daughter pointed at the casket and asked my mom who the lady in the big baby crib was.

I went to festivals regularly in college, and one year all my friends went to a new festival without me because I was too broke for the trip. Norovirus ran through the entire group on shroom day and their stories are the stuff of nightmares.

My partner’s parents used to have an elderly teacup chihuahua they’d rescued from a neglectful home. Poor thing never weighed more than 3 lbs. Her eyes bulged out, her tongue never stayed in her mouth, and she snored like a grown man. But as soon as she crawled onto your lap and curled up for a nap she was the cutest thing in the world.

My great grandma lived into her 90’s, but my great grandpa passed about 15 years before she did. She mostly with it all the way until the end but one day she started talking to her nurses and any family that visited about how she knew she was seeing him again soon, and how excited she was to tell him about everything that’d happened since he died. She passed away in her sleep a few days later, so I guess she really did know it was time.

IMO that’s the biggest tell of how drunk they actually are. They keep counting with their eyes closed the entire time they’re being handcuffed, and then when the cop finally says “you can stop counting, you’re under arrest” they’re just absolutely shocked.

I’m a big fan of the “Superman” strategy for DUI arrests, where the cops tell the drunk driver that their final test is to close their eyes and pretend to fly like Superman so they can sneak up behind and cuff them.

I have, and it’s so disgusting to me. The QAA podcast has talked about the connections between satanic panic and Qanon, and it’s clear that a lot of the “true believers” were likely victims of abuse themselves. The pain, the trauma, and the obsession with justice is real, they just need a tangible villain to fight against rather than accept that some people (even people we love and trust) decide to do truly awful things.

There’s a local news story I’ve been trying to keep up with but haven’t found many updates, basically a woman lost custody of her daughter so her entire family started harassing the local PD and accusing them of child trafficking for (legally) returning the child to her father. After they got arrested for harassment, they got kicked out of their church, and started accusing church leadership of being involved in the trafficking conspiracy. It all escalated to the family breaking into the dad’s house with a gun to kidnap the daughter, but thankfully they were all arrested without incident. At this point I’m not sure if they believe their own bullshit but they’re in far too deep and I can only see it ending badly.

One of my friends got a fun surprise letter from the IRS when she was in college, because her mom (that had kicked her out at 17 and completely cut off any financial support) decided to keep claiming her as a dependent for multiple years.

Might be controversial but I went to a wedding that did this and it wasn’t weird at all, kind of sweet honestly. Nobody seemed to mind, but it was a pretty chill non-religious ceremony so maybe that’s why. My partner and I are planning to write private letters to read to each other after the first look, and then write the same generic vows to say to each other during the ceremony. I’d say that you know your families best and how they would react to it, and make your decision based on that.

I’m about his age and getting married soon. If I can find any small amount of light in this story, it’s that they were able to lower a radio down to him to talk to his wife. If that was my fiancé I’d want nothing more than to talk to him, and comfort him, and know that he didn’t die alone.

Neopets is a fascist oligarchy now

I had a boss once that was in his 70’s who would do this constantly. Every time he told a story about someone that didn’t look like him, he had to add in their race, gender, body type, and overall attractiveness. It was weird but I also think it’s a generational thing, for whatever reason.

This is one of me and my parent’s favorite movies and I’ve seen it so many damn times, and the altered ending still pisses me off. I saw the cut ending first, then the OG and thought it was so much better. Years later I bought it on dvd to show some friends and it only had the cut version and I had to convince them I wasn’t crazy and the OG ending actually did exist.

In my college town a popular fast food place shared a parking lot with the local PD. I was waiting in the drive thru line when I saw a cop car coming right up behind me, and I could see him typing something on his laptop. I thought about honking but I didn’t want to unnecessarily startle him, luckily he looked up at the last second and jerked the wheel to go around.

First of all, I absolutely don’t blame you. I agreed to babysit my special needs nephew for an entire summer pre-diagnosis, pre-meds, and it was a nightmare for everyone involved. Having been medicated for a few years now, I know it would’ve alleviated so much of the burden.

As far as the adderall side effects, I experienced something similar. I sucked it up for longer than I should’ve because of the shortage and I didn’t want to rock the boat. A few months ago I finally asked for a med change referral and it’s been a lifesaver. I now take JORNAY and while it’s slightly less effective at managing my ADHD symptoms, I’m much less anxious, I sleep better, and I don’t feel the harsh come up / come down that I felt before.

I stopped going to venue near me because of how terrible the security was. Some dude tried MULTIPLE times to rush the stage, would get dragged away by “security” and then 10 minutes later magically appear and do it again. Eventually the DJ himself had to push him off the decks after he climbed on top of them and the dude punched him in the face. If security is that careless when it comes to the safety of artists, I don’t trust them to give a shit about anyone in the audience.

If it’s any consolation, we’re trying so hard to find solutions to this issue. Sharing your story with public health staff is so incredibly helpful because it helps us identify where the system failed. I wish you didn’t have to go through this, but hopefully it can lead to some positive changes.

The PULSE first responders have done some interviews about their lives now that are absolutely brutal. One was on a team that specifically picks up the deceased and their remains, he and his team finished their 8 hour shift and all decided to work the next shift as well, because they couldn’t bare the thought of making another shift endure the trauma they’ve already been subjected to. To this day he can’t go anywhere more than a few miles away from the lake he lives by, because the only time he can find peace is out on the water in his boat. A different officer said the worst trigger for his PTSD are default iPhone ringtones, because he spent so many hours inside the club listening to phones ring over and over again from people desperately trying to reach their loved ones.

Neopets is a fascist oligarchy now
  1. Hitler: Here He Comes
  2. Hitler: And He’s Back
  3. The Goblet of… Hitler

NAL, but work in public heath, and have experience with congenital STD’s. First of all, I’m so sorry for your loss. Without knowing what you were specifically diagnosed with, the most I can say is that the vast majority of states only have prenatal testing requirements for syphilis. I’m getting mixed results on Arizona’s specific policy, but generally the requirements are 1st trimester, and some jurisdictions with severe outbreaks may also require 3rd trimester and delivery testing as well. I wish I could offer more specific answers, but I would encourage reaching out to pregnancy loss organizations near you, who may be able to connect you with physicians that specialize in pregnancies after miscarriage and stillbirth.

My mom’s favorite wedding story to tell is the unfortunate destruction of her cake. The baker was driving it to the venue during a snowstorm, slid into a ditch, and the cake flew across the backseat. She showed up at the venue sobbing and my mom helped her put it on the table, turned it around so the smushed side faced the wall and said “See! It’s perfect!“

I’m torn because I truly loved my experience, and it was literally the only athletic activity I was ever good at. But I also recognize that my specific program was probably unique in having zero tolerance for bullshit, and I would find it hard to enroll my own daughter in an environment with so many unknowns.