Real Madrid fans still consider Kroos and Cristiano as their legends and Messi as their arch rival

Looks like they are enjoying some cultural enrichment over there

Fun fact, a lot of people who are into astronomy are into astrology 😉

Damn, say whatever you want, but that was quick thinking!

I'm 191/6'3 and I have some back problems but in general I'm healthy. I know that because my shorter friends also have back problems

Same happens to footballers who come to the US. For the most part they can enjoy a quiet, anonymous life (unlike in the rest of the world).

This is insane 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

No hay suicidio sin dolor porque el suicidio deja devastados a los amigos y familiares de las víctimas. Cada vez que una persona piensa en suicidarse yo los invitaría a ir al funeral de un suicida pero que vean el dolor que deja esa partida y que, a pesar de lo que puedan sentir, hay muchas personas que los aman y aprecian

Too bad you didn't live in the 80s, you would be perfect for the Seagull haircut!

Well, in places like Yemen or Afghanistan the legal age for marriage is like 8 yo for girls 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Suárez was so amazing, half of the goals he looked like he was stumbling or about fall, but then he managed to recover and ended up scoring some amazing goals

Would you categorize her as "chubby"? Because I wouldn't

How old are you?? I think you should shave it and wait a few years before trying to grow a beard. I mean, it's not the time just yet