What I meant was send em out on a mission and check back later. You did the first part but didn't get to the second part. If you tried 24 hour missions first, you'd have come back to a massive amount of free resources you spent no time or effort on. Never go with your first reaction if it seems odd, experiment just a little further before you come to a conclusion that the thing (servant missions) sucks. Now you know all of this from other comments of course, but the next "wtf" thing you find, just go a little further with your experimentation first because it's probably not as "wtf" as you originally thought... Usually. Good luck bro. Get a castle in each region and max out the servants so you never need to farm again and can just come online the next day to a pool of stuff waiting for you

Try things and get a good understanding of whatever you're about to complain about before you do the complaining. It'll help a lot even outside of gaming

Of course they work, that's why every conceivable space is being turned into ad space. People see product, monkey brain neuron activates, they click purchase.

Classic Walmart manager grammar and wording here. They must all take the same English class

Better not let them hear you finding yourself important or they'll have to teach you a little "everyone is replaceable"

No one, it's totally normal to find things annoying and this is one of them. Another example is people who litter, and another is people who don't put their cart in a corral in the parking lot. The list goes on


Just found out Koss is from Milwaukee, where I live!

They DO make a ruckus was my point. Every single person who does what is in this video makes a ruckus. I watched cameras at Walmart working AP for 2.5 years, I can assure you that 99% of the kids who are "at least out of the house" and going to Walmart are causing a ruckus, destroying things, "pranking" people, causing safety issues, and more just because it's funny to them, and then all their peers praise them for it and there's an army of people like you trying to protect their "fun" that comes at everyone else's expense. Surprisingly, they don't seem to steal very often though, so that's good at least.

I am a kids-having-fun-in-public hater until the day I die. Children, teenagers, and young adults who go to stores to "just have fun out of the house" are a plague upon this earth and I pray they reflect upon their actions when they grow older.


Unless it happens in pre market in which case it'll just drop back to $25 for an unknown length of time

Precisely. This is the type of person that comes to a store to have fun, which is of course praised by fellow children

Man I'd hate to be one of those guys that's scared of the DEI Boogeyman while partaking in blizzard content developed by people who are gay, trans, furries, and ethnically diverse. Probably sucks really bad to constantly worry about that

Well good thing you didn't see act 3 because there are significantly more issues and possibilities for issues there than anything you've seen. They're also never going to finish fixing every single thing and it is currently well-past what Larian and everyone else considers a "finished state" so you'll probably have to chalk those 400+ hours as a loss and skip the rest

Worth it = losing your job and also acquiring an assault conviction in a feeble attempt to prove a point

Anything they don't like is "woke." This can vary from person to person, but usually involves minorities of all kinds

People really be posting short videos like this and a title talking about they're alive but provide absolutely no context whatsoever besides a "reporting email"

They're not worried about other people's cars. Or other people's anything for that matter

If you're terminated for theft or a "violent offense", there's a code that will make you not re-hirable at any Walmart ever again

The root issue is that most people working entry level Walmart jobs don't think about the future at all, in any regard, other than when the paycheck hits so they can buy stuff

I highly recommend visiting a psychologist

Power creep with a lack of endgame content???