Any specific Pyrenees suggestions?  Headed there with the kids this summer. Staying near Pau.


I find free on fb to be the best method but even that takes time.  

Decent stuff you could drag to a krongloop

I'm American as well so throwing expat money was part of it. Other part was there was no supply. We looked for a couple of months and only saw 5 houses and so when this house checked the boxes, winning was the most important. Also helped that the first house we bid on was listed for 359 and it was a live bid and final price was 420 

Maybe not as hot as when I bought in 2021 but I paid 430 no contingencies for a 369 list. Houses now sell for ~450.  I paid tippy top when interest rates were 1.28% for ten years.

The stuff over 600 takes a bit longer to move.  I'm in Groningen for pricing context though.

If it's in the EU, salaries can be better in NL or France (or CH) and your skills are likely transferrable but housing still sucks where the jobs are.  You could potentially get there faster that way. Or getting a remote US paying job.

Netherlands: when you're a 100k+ housing units short in a country of only 18million, it's fires of mordor hot especially for sub 500k stuff.

I left because my parents are only 20yrs older than me. They hadn't built enough to bring a partner in when I was out of college and IT pays damn well. I'd like to go back but can't justify going from 40hr weeks to that level of labor to make less money on average. 

It should be a great deal for my brothers if they decide to farm and I hope they do. I want it to stay in the family even if costs me millions in inheritance.

Not consistently enough. It's my first rodeo of actually trying to improve beyond just doing the main lifts and either BBB or FSL. 

Lot of extra db work, some incline and started playing with the narrow grip last week. Still am shit at dips, they're hard and I'm fat but working on that too.

Yeah but then you don't have your roof box or bike rack. And if the kids spill in the car during the 15 hours... We spend a fair bit of time swimming/beaching/hiking on vacation so you're coming back dirty too.

You need the bakfiets?  Do you have 7 children? ;)

Oof...that sounds just as brutal. I'm not sure how I feel about when the 5x10 goes to 80% but that's not for another month. I need to dial in my recovery for that month.

Pretty much. I do an extra 5x10 at 50% of each main one other time during the week. 

It's historically my shittiest lift. I have trees for legs but weak shoulders. 

The OHP TM has always been a struggle.

Now the chicks are wearing what I call pussy poppers. Cranked up so high and tight you can see whether she shaves. It's hard not to notice.  But don't stare. That's fucking creepy.

Don't use one of 2 squat racks to do barbell rows in. If you can't deadlift what you're rowing, go do deadlifts.

Recording a voice message for my wife and kids and sending my wife my Google password and unlocking my phone. Between those things, she can access anything she needs. 

Hope she enjoys the life insurance.

OHP C8W1 BBB 13 wk challenge (wk4) TM 69kg

Supposed to be 5s but couldn't get 5 on the highest set. We'll see how they go next week but may need to adjust the TM down. Not making the judgment this week because I was lifting fasted on 6 hours of sleep after going to a concert last night and having a couple beers.

Still doing the BBB though and have started adding a BBB set of each exercise to a random other day of the week as an accessory. I'll probably continue this addition at TM 50% until I can't recover anymore.

Jim would yell at me 'cuz I'm cutting while doing this program. Started at 120kg and trying to get to 110 on the way to 100. 

Totally agree.  It's a culture shift as well. Your yard in the Netherlands for example is probably 20'x40' and a good sized house is 1500sqft. Most sfh are row houses.

But you don't need a metro if you have the density. Groningen Netherlands is an example of that. ~250k people and everywhere is bikeable.  Issue is that Madison has already sprawled so I don't know how you fix that.

He's due a call. I've seen them plant 5k acres in 10days in a good window so if it dried up a bit he'll be alright.

Hope it's a good year for y'all.

Guess it's time for the check in on my pops to make sure he's not suicidal in the RRV.

I moved to the Netherlands. I own a car but it used once a week only and for road trips.


No no... I mean ot seems like a mistake to not offer public transit.

You're definitely right that it's essentially inaccessible via transit on the weekends (most people wouldn't know about hubtaxi)

N+2 seems the proper number. N+1 if we're talking pairs.