It resemblesā€¦ something? šŸ¤” A food processor or a pencil sharpenerā€¦ šŸ¤”

:rumble: in the :jun:

I have a different problem, since I only enjoy one champ (viego). Itā€™s not playstyle that bothers me as much as un utilised potential.

Viego, I think couldā€™ve had a far more richer and complex personality with how much effort they put into his storyline and his story being something where a lot of exploration of human emotion can take place. How someone would act and how theyā€™d feel. Stories of loss evoke deeper emotions than other kinds due to how painful and relatable they are. Viego could have been riotā€™s experiment into character development and in game story telling through dialogue. Instead we have a rather one dimensional madman that people can barely relate to. His ingame dialogue is just outright cumbersome after a while due to the disparity between the appeal of his character and the reality of how he is in game. He just rambles on and on about Isolde, the dialogue lacks variety even for a madman. If you contrast this to other famous characters who were torn apart by tragedy (prince Hamlet for example) what you have with Viego just saddens you due to the opportunity lost. I love the way heā€™s been animated, and his kit (though irritatingly fast paced) is the only one that I consistently find enjoyment in. But I cannot help but think of the opportunity lost in probably creating leagueā€™s best designed and most relatable champion.

:rumble: in the :jun:

My problem is the length of possession time. If it was 15 secs, it still would be cool.

:rumble: in the :jun:

Thereā€™s no counter play to that horrible thing when fedā€¦. so much ap, Iā€™m just deleted in one rotation. So is most of my team, and then itā€™s an easy win for her team.

:rumble: in the :jun:

Diana. Canā€™t believe they buffed that shit champ.

Power of friendship. And BNHA is the biggest offender. I just skip to the action sequences now.

A true source of constant amusement for those of us who enjoy watching others suffer.

:rumble: in the :jun:

If I were to ask the yones and yasuos on my team, their hardest counter is me, their jungler. But if you have to counter them from the enemy team, their hardest counter is patience. They canā€™t stand an uneventful laning phase and will tower dive you.

Try Warwick in the jungle. Very fun for a while.

So my life is a bank robber that gets stronger with every heist? Sign me up.

People who lust after fictional drawings, do yā€™all get zero bitches? Also what counts as ā€œgetting bitchesā€?

Such asā€¦ league? šŸ‘€

I wish I could be as happy about this as you. The sight of you makes my very soul uneasy. /j Also, havenā€™t I seen you before? šŸ¤”Did you always have that pfp? I can swear Iā€™ve seen that username somewhere before.


Thereā€™s genuinely fear in my heart and tears in my eyes right now. No, they arenā€™t tears of happiness.

Also, my good sir (or maā€™am), there are some very fine connoisseurs of league art who would appreciate your creative finesse over at r/remembertheplacidium. Please, do us the honour of letting us ogle your fine work posthaste.

Iā€™m not certain of too many things in lifeā€¦ if examined closely, most things are hard to arrive at a conclusion aboutā€¦ but I am certain this is why god gave me eyes.

Anyone have the unsped version? Also, someone show this to the red bull f1 team, max is misbehaving out of boredom.

My top lane vayne pp is getting hard looking at this