What are the guides bringing to the table for you? Do you have those skills? If so, start planning your own trips and go get after it!

Thoughts on what? Whether to attempt?

Too many unknowns: how tall are you? How strong are you? How experienced are you? Guided? Season? How is your cardio? How much time do you have to train? Are you already trained?

You get the point…

Same here. I wear my Fenix6pro daily for all things and it’s been fine for at least 5 years

The gas line will likely never be built anyway. This is performative litigation

Horror doesn’t have to equal scary

Go get some experience before you start accusing people of “cash grabs”

Obviously OP is the main character so we’re supposed to care

You didn’t miss anything. What you think you’re “seeing in the media” doesn’t represent any kind of wholesale development of “Clown lore”

This title is misleading - Bronson offered a ticket if it would help someone get someplace better e.g. not deadly cold. There was never a forced expulsion from Anchorage.

The actual math of doing so works well if you take ideology out of it - if a homeless individual had family to stay with out of state but couldn’t afford to go there, a ticket to help them would be cheaper than all the myriad issues with housing and accommodation.

And I say this as someone who absolutely agrees that the Bronson admin was a disaster. Just not for this particular reason…

Our arrangement is not meeting my needs at this time. Please consider this communication as notice that I am officially refusing any future appointments. Thank you.

I run two Plex servers on mirrored storage. The watched status carries over between them. Both arrays are synced with Syncthing. Only one of the arrays interacts with the *arr suite

Make your activity either hike or walk. Or cardio if you don’t care about gps.

You won’t get VO2Max or performance condition with those activities, but you do get HR stats and all the others