Why tf ppl hate her? She clearly always states what she wants as a colladeral, in tb quest, and saying that she imprisoned Aventurine is also bs, she was the one who gave him "new life", otherwise he would probably be fudged in a goddamn prison cell.

Iirc, they made that in w11 you can chose where you want it, or its still in beta

Might be a little spoiler

No, my friend has the same idea but we debunked it, it tickes faster the longer the point has been active for

What is this guy 😭😭😭, I forkin' wished I could pull for Boothill, but me and my friend had truce, that I will pull FF and he would pull BH

Cuz it can be completed twice? just complete 60 games and you get 10K exp into bp or one whole bp level wow

that guy who plays both supp and mid Zoe

nice, wp but please for the love of god, win+shift+s to screenshot!

True, but dont we deserve it? Since blade is still not "trully" buffed since ow1 :/

And you get refund of the ult charge based on how much time was left when you canceled, max of 50% (?)

Hey, she has same problems as me, might be neurological or brain is doing that, just get it checked at the vet

If you clear 2 first planets you should have enought for 80 pulls, Your 1st pull should be Guranteed iirc

No, just everyone got more hp so automatically its harder for Genji to get picks and since his blade didnt got that big of a buff its even harder Edit : everyone got more hp since S9 of I remember correctly so thats the reason blade takes 3 slashes without shift

That literally has ow1 profile pic of Genji its fake 100%

Fun fact : D.va acually shots each projectile in-lore AND in-game, you can see it when you eat up projectile

I think it will, Mythic chromas return, so it may come back (take this statement with a grain of salt)