If he truly hated Gojo he would have Sukuna beat him up for 90% of their fight but instead it's the opposite

This shit is such common sense, people here legitimately think that Kaido is the strongest in the verse ๐Ÿ˜‚

Despite being a Yonko, Luffy still HAS NOT reach or surpass Roger according to the narrative.

Shanks's aura is unmatched which isn't a surprise because his Oda's golden boy.

Paralyzing an admiral with his Haki travelling for miles.

Biggest aura feat in the entire series for now...

Luffy scales to Kaido after Wano.

If Kaido scales to Roger & Primebeard then Luffy is way too strong at this point of the story.

Least power gap to most :


Roger/ WB




There is a tier above Yonko that consists of Roger, Primebeard and Garp.

It's only called PK tier due to Roger's title.

How is Yonkos & Admirals being the top tiers in the OP verse a controversial statement?

Bethesda wasted their time with Fallout 76 & Starfield leading to more than a decade delay of their mainline franchises. Huge fumble imo.

Because current Luffy scales to him and it's too early in the story for Luffy to be PK tier.

Kaido is Yonko max and not even the strongest one since he got taken out before the final saga.

Raikage smashed through those Susanoo Ribs like they were tinfoil with a lateral chop.

Didn't he lose an arm? ๐Ÿ˜‚

How is the fight not a stalemate when both combatants was going to die before Gaara interrupted?

Isn't there only like three swordsman in the entire manga?

Zoro, Mihawk & that mustache fella who stalemated him

Nah man. The fate bros surpassed Juubito imo.

Reminder that his Juubi is actually fraudulent because it only has a tentacle of 8 tails and the gold & silver jobbers chakra.

I have no doubt he will lose, mental nerf or not.

EOS Sakura fucking scales to six path characters in the Kaguya fight.

Tf is Jonin Minato going to do to her...

Edo Hiruzen > MS Sasuke > Part 1 Hiruzen

Part 1 strongest characters all got power creeped by shippuden like how shippuden is getting power creeped by Boruto.

Really? You're not even going to give Naruto & Sasuke credit for this fight?

The fact that majestic susanoo Kurama had the AP to slice him open to pull out the tailed beasts?

Did Juubito's mental nerf lower his durability or something?

They defeated Juubito who was stronger than Hashirama.

BSM Naruto alone vs Hashirama is actually an extreme diff fight.

Who cares about creating all these false limitations? Muh Itachi is stronger coz he natty.

The peak of Uchiha power is the awakening of EMS and the Rinnegan.

If you really want to celebrate Itachi being good at backing away from opponents than his little bro then knock yourself out ๐Ÿ˜‚

How does that make him naturally superior in Taijutsu than Sasuke who was swapping hands with Otsutsuki aliens in Boruto?

What is this 2014?

Shouldn't Itachi fanboys have jobs and families by now...