SACWATR Episode list

The directory under every post is getting cumbersome so I am now posting them here and future parts will redirect to this catalogue.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8


That was a mistake I talked about in another post. It was an old template/guideline installment that found its way into the post due to me rushing to get this one finished. I have decided it is just fake news and I will include an explanation in part 9.

My original plan was for this post to be stretched into three parts and Ukraine would be discussing surrender in August or so.

Edit: Sorry I didn't read the comment and assumed this was made under the main post. My bad.


I hinted that the subreddit itself is split. When I did my research on that sub I found a fair few posts or comments of arguments saying "yes Biden is bad but Trump is Hitler, so let's focus on Hitler now and get the libtards later."

Hey, just a heads up but my latest SACWATR episode was suspended for mod approval about half way through the day. Did I do something wrong or is it the same bad actor from before just trying to get around whatever rules you gave them?


You are absolutely correct. I made a mistake and included a placeholder page from earlier in development instead of what I was planning. I was supposed to replace that with an article talking about how the Russians were making breakthroughs, with two posts in the next episode leading up to the next two events of Kyiv falling and peace negotiations, ultimately leading to NATO involvement. Instead i compressed everything into one post and it will be hell to fix it.

SACWATR: A Correction (yes it is about Ukraine)

I am not sure if this fits on the mains sub even as a meta post, but I made a mistake and I need to talk about it.

Firstly, as many of you know I am spending this week volunteering as an adult leader at a boy scout camp. I only have time to write these posts for about 3-4 hours in the evenings, as opposed to my 10 hour sprints I was able to do on my off days and after work.

This along with the size of my posts increasing exponentially with every episode has resulted in release times stretching into several days when I began this at 2 posts per day. The stretch between releases has been stressful and made me rush some of my work even as I tried to tell myself quality first, time second. This has resulted in Episode 8 being the most rushed and mistake-filled batch of them all, and one stands out above the others.

The page on Ukraine is a leftover from back when I was creating the original outline for the project. If I was following that same design philosophy the entire war would have lasted about 70 pages in total. I have been making these by expanding the space between my placeholder pages and then modifying the placeholders to fit how the story changes and evolves as I write it.

I just straight-up forgot to modify the placeholder for the Ukraine war. It was SUPPOSED to simply talk about how the Russians were making breakthroughs on the front lines, then about Zelenski seeking peace talks, and would conclude with Russia overstepping and stupidly attacking units on the border with poland, triggering article 5 somewhere in Fall 2025 after the summer offensives.

I am freely telling you what my plan WAS because I have no fucking clue how I am going to square that circle.

I am sorry. In my rush to finish the episode faster I may have derailed the entire fucking story.

SACWATR: A correction (yes it's about Ukraine)Meta

I am not sure if this fits on the mains sub even as a meta post, but I made a mistake and I need to talk about it.

Firstly, as many of you know I am spending this week volunteering as an adult leader at a boy scout camp. I only have time to write these posts for about 3-4 hours in the evenings, as opposed to my 10 hour sprints I was able to do on my off days and after work.

This along with the size of my posts increasing exponentially with every episode has resulted in release times stretching into several days when I began this at 2 posts per day. The stretch between releases has been stressful and made me rush some of my work even as I tried to tell myself quality first, time second. This has resulted in Episode 8 being the most rushed and mistake-filled batch of them all, and one stands out above the others.

The page on Ukraine is a leftover from back when I was creating the original outline for the project. If I was following that same design philosophy the entire war would have lasted about 70 pages in total. I have been making these by expanding the space between my placeholder pages and then modifying the placeholders to fit how the story changes and evolves as I write it.

I just straight-up forgot to modify the placeholder for the Ukraine war. It was SUPPOSED to simply talk about how the Russians were making breakthroughs on the front lines, then about Zelenski seeking peace talks, and would conclude with Russia overstepping and stupidly attacking units on the border with poland, triggering article 5 somewhere in Fall 2025 after the summer offensives.

I am freely telling you what my plan WAS because I have no fucking clue how I am going to square that circle.

I am sorry. In my rush to finish the episode faster I may have derailed the entire fucking story.

Special thanks to u/Geckohunter0303, whose brilliant post idea is now officially canon, and to u/Tomnenhumnomeserve for designing the now-official flag of the Union of Free States. Also thanks to u/Early_Daikon for inventing the Office of Preserving Democracy.

I cannot include every piece of fanfiction or art I see, but I would be a terrible creator if I didn't appreciate that this project is for the fans just as much, if not more so, as it is for myself.

Episode List 


Special thanks to u/Geckohunter0303, whose brilliant post idea is now officially canon, and to u/Tomnenhumnomeserve for designing the now-official flag of the Union of Free States. Also thanks to u/Early_Daikon for inventing the Office of Preserving Democracy.

I cannot include every piece of fanfiction or art I see, but I would be a terrible creator if I didn't appreciate that this project is for the fans just as much, if not more so, as it is for myself.

Episode List 

Biden gave a State of the Union Address that was brief, and at the end he collapsed. The news is spinning this as him being so passionate about America he collapsed from the, uh, emotion of it or something.

The direct translation isn't exactly the best. It may be better said as "gluttons in dungeons."

I love it! I was imagining they would return to the 13 star flag but the addition of the bell is just so more creative!

As for some other comments, the most common battle flag approved by the UFS would be the Gadsen "Don't Tread on Me" flag, although a huge portion of the unofficial militias would use confederate battle flags.


With permission, of course. And some edits for the timeline and artistic style. I absolutely love this! I've been having trouble coming up with good memes that could realistically get a lot of traction.

Fox News is operating from within UFS territory in Texas in this timeline. Their main offices in New York were shut down almost immediately but they evacuated much of their staff and equipment during the unrest before Baltimore.


I am very sorry for this, but I've been having a little writer's block making Episode 8 of SACWATR and this FUCKING song has been stuck in my head for three days. I just had to do something or it would drive me insane.


Galforax L'handrafil, better known by his stage name "The Purple People Eater" has been an American icon since he first came to Earth in 1956.

Then-Ambassador L'handrafil was the representative of the Xarlax refugees who made landfall on the lawn of the White House on First Contact Day, welcoming Earth into the wider Galactic community and seeking assylum from the great Orion Arm War that continues to this day. During his meeting with Eisenhower Galforax expressed great interest in American culture and ideals, having studied human radio and television broadcasts from orbit to find the ideal place to land. Galforax fell in love with the American way, as did the rest of his Xarlax compatriots.

After the celebrations of first contact had ended and an integration treaty had been signed, Galforax shocked the country with what he planned to do next: he wanted a job in a Rock and Roll Band.

Calling himself the "Purple People Eater," he made his introduction into the world of music with his hit single by the same name in 1958. The song was a massive success, becoming the most purchased record of all time by the end of the year. His career soared throughout the late 50's and early 60's, releasing shock hit after shock hit and earning himself a vast fortune, most of which was donated to the well being of his fellow Xarlax refugees. Galforax achieved American citizenship in 1972 after the Civil Rights Act was expanded to include non-humans.

Garfalax's career fell off in the 1970's due to his staunch criticism of the war in Vietnam and of the public's changing taste in music. His inability to move beyond the early days of Rock and Roll left him behind, and he wrote his last new song in 1976 to little commercial success.

In the 1980's Garfalax leveraged his fame to a career in politics, where he became the Governor of California in 1983 running on the Democrat ticket. His political career was short-lived and scandalous, and he resigned after just a single term due to pressure from Sexual Assault lawsuits leveled by female staffers claiming he would urge them to wear short shorts in the office.

Garfalax passed away last year at the age of 173 from a heart attack while performing some of his greatest hits at an oldies concert in Connecticut. He is survived by his mate and their forty-seven offspring in New J'hogathar, California.