I’m sure you’ve heard before, “Look straight at the camera. Turn to the left. Turn to the right.”

I wore contacts, and like you, cut the bottoms off coke bottles to see! 1997, got a new job in a plant where contacts couldn’t be worn. Made my appointment the next day! Been fine since. Need reading glasses now, but they told me I would. Both my kids had it done, they both love it.

Rocky Horror Picture Show. Just always makes me laugh.

“It’s just a jump to the left………”

When I was a kid, my dad would light his cigarette in the car. The first aroma of the new lit smoke always stayed with me. I still can remember it now.

A two-faced person who will tell you he’s fighting for the average worker, but has never done an average person’s job! Being a professional politician is not the average job. He wants power, craves power, and is saying whatever the people want to hear so he can get it! No, I am not a Justin Trudeau fan and yes, think his time is done, but of the three leaders in this country, JT is the only one with the mind to do it! Pierre is a Donald Trump wannabe, and is not the answer to Canada’s problems! He will be a bitch to every other leader in the world, and if Trump wins, be a yes man for the USA.

Sorry, too many answers for this except to say that she’s been a part of my life for 46 years.

My wife Rosemary does most of the cooking in our house. I think she does a damn fine job! I’m gonna let her keep cooking!

My wife Rosemary does most of the cooking in our house. I think she does a damn fine job! I’m gonna let her keep cooking!

It would be “Jerk Day”. We’d all meet at city hall to form the largest circle we could!

When my wife gets up to answer the phone! She always says it could be important.

Only way she can crack a smile is when she goes to an all you can eat buffet! Smile! That’ll give you the buffet to yourself!

I hate it because for a book that is meant to bring people together, it creates divisions among people that lead to violence and war! Why isn’t it allowed to just let everyone read it and believe it in their own way without the violence?

The Bible. I actually read the whole thing when I was 19. It bothers me how people throw it in your face in an argument, without knowing what the context is. I don’t think it’s my interpretation is completely correct, but I don’t need to be told that I’m wrong about it! It’s a book for all to read and receive a message.

Over, around, under and through, this is how we tie a shoe! Learned it about 63 years ago, taught my kids, can’t wait to teach my granddaughter!

No, but I told my wife of 44 years that when we first started dating. I love being cuddly at home, but in public, no. She totally agreed with me and we save it for the privacy of the house.

Muhammad Ali. Always thought he was a great man. Didn’t agree with his marriages, but as a man, one of the greatest.

Going to Disneyland! Had to wait as an adult to take my kids there and we saved up forever.

Froot Loops during the day! Best cereal ever! I get a box from my son on my birthday every year. Wife won’t let me have them otherwise.

Started to get long black hairs growing out of my ears! These things were tree trunks!