If you ever end up near the Springfield area, hit up Arnolds (in Chicopee or East Longmeadow) or 90 Meat Outlet (in Springfield itself). I can always get good ribs for pretty cheap at Arnolds, and 90 Meat has comparable prices, if not quite as high quality.

The problem is that their ribs is the definition of rib for you somewhere in your subconscious. They're the literal archetype of ribs and anything that isn't 100% the same is now the lesser rib for not matching the definition you're working off of.

You created your own rib uncanny valley.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

I remember two seasons of using Ruinous Effigy for my Titan's "I refuse to take Gambit Seriously but I need to reset rank twice" builds. I don't know if my setup was just really good or if giving zero fucks just broke my limiter, but I did way better then I though. It was actually kinda fun to destroy huge clusters of enemies dunking that sphere.

Called the build "Space Jam" in my Ishtar loadout.


Most Americans are not used to dealing directly with their government so they feel the DMV is wildly inefficient.

Most of em don't know how many other government agencies make decisions the DMV needs to navigate between, or what fucked up laws they're shackled to. Hell, many people don't even stop to make sure what they need to bring or do, or what edge cases they belong to that complicate things. Or they know they need another step but figure that the guy at the counter can/will do it for them even if they're specifically not able to do it. And all those people are ahead of you, getting agitated, which passes to you and extends your wait.

And since most people's impatience stops the second they have a vague valid target for their rage, it must be the employee you're dealing with, since clearly anyone making policy decisions would opt to come face to face with the people pissed off by them on a daily basis.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

This is absolutely "fuck around and find out" territory. And if someone wants to change their name to what they thought was a fake spoiler and finds out otherwise, maybe next time think your clever plan all the way through first.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

It is hard to argue that it is Bungie's fault you changed your name to a spoiler or deliberately spoiled something.

It would be Bungie/Sony's fault the info was leaked, but not that someone purposely used info from those leaks to ruin things for other people.

Probably the intern. I mean, it is way easier for Hakka to reach up to hit their knees than for them to reach so far down to get his.

I mean, the could just stomp on him, but you specified knees.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Get your crayons on, boys. Time to shake the DPS meta to its roots.

Plus we're setting out an Axe buffet and everyone gets a plate.

Nah, John Malkovich Meowkovich

You had ONE JOB!

It gets even funnier when you consider how their laws were enforced. Basically it was left to you to enforce any legal decisions in your favor.

Then again, these are the chucklefucks that think a dozen good ol boys with small arms can not only hold off the military, but overthrow the whole government.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Same. On every fucking count. And yet locks keep talking about losing their class identity.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

[Confused Reinhart screaming]

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Near the bubble = "Within the splash damage radius of all those concussive shots they love letting EVERYTHING continually spam to render any protection moot"

That work for you?

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Catching nerf strays is a defining class feature along with the craving for crayons.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Behemoths having no noticeable synergy with Frost Armor whatsoever (unless I managed to miss something really obvious) while Hunters and Locks get exotic synergy with it is typical Bungie though.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

I've launched myself at clusters of flanking garbage only to see the teammate ahead of me turn around and nuke them just before my melee connected. Hell, I've watched some fucks headshot a cluster of thralls one-by-one, choosing my current target like every fucking time.

The satisfying part is that a Minotaur chose that moment to "nothing personnel" them.

I can handle people so determined not to be buffed by me that they walk through my Banner Shield while it is being hammered by explosive shots or run clean across the battlefield from my ward (placed next to our position, not blocking it, but actively doing everything you can to prevent them in the first place really boils my blood.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Bubble was changed but why would I ever use it?

To not be kicked by the raid team. And to enjoy the wonderful world of Titan supers requiring Exotics.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

If it makes you feel better they nerfed well by shackling Sentinels to wellocks without making void shields not be terrible.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

What, Fist of Havok and wearing Cuirass aren't worthwhile supers?

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

After they nerfed shatterdive by totally neutering shattering (a key component of Behemoths at the time), it because clear that underperfoming Titan subclasses would continue to catch strays when "nerfing" outlying nontitan classes.

I'm still trying to find out where the Titan hook for Frost Armor is. I mean, tankiness is our jam and here they are slathering it all over everyone but us.

:T: My favorite flavor is purple.

Your optimism is adorable. I'll apologize for this entirely called-for sarcasm stacked on yours if they follow through on their end with a buff, but neither of us should hold our breaths.