Tell me you carry water for oligarchs without saying it outright. What a sucker you are.

Go zone out to Daily Wire scum sclug

I've heard the exclusives argument more times than I can count and they can never tell me what they are just that they exist. Either they can't name one at all or all the ones that exist I don't care about and will never care about and even THOSE people don't care about them cuz they don't express interest in any of em. They just try to use it as a Trump card and it's meaningless.

Oh yeah this sub has become a RZ HII circlejerk. I too like the first one too. But seriously there is NOTHING good at all about that hot dogshit

Yeah a foot fetish is not inherently weird, speaking as someone who has one.

Those cucks do that when they could buy a Dreamcast instead. So much better than a P(o)S

Not to mention there's like 3 separate subscriptions if you wanna play EA games. Constant price raising, no disc drive anymore, as much backwards compatibility as Switch to the GameCube among a long laundry list of other pros Playstation doesn't share. Xbox has been better for so long but no one else seems to ready to hear that.


Of Unknown Origin. They started showing it right off the bat in the movie. They showed too much of it throughout the movie too many times too. The big reveal was at the last like 5-7 minutes of the movie so way too late. And at the end of the day the thing wasn't nearly as big as I was expecting it to be. The most disappointing villain/creature reveal I can possibly think of.

The scene where they do a close-up of his eyes when he kills Alice gave me genuine fear with a lump in my throat the last time I watched Halloween II. It being darker and more foreboding the way the movie was shot and the overall feel of it I could never understand how someone could say they don't like the atmosphere. Even moreso considering the deep sinister synth. I hated the music the first one or two times I watched it but still preferred the sequel. Every time I watch it though it solidifies itself as more of a tour de force horror showcase imo. Dick Warlock is the king. Genuinely one of the most bone-chilling atmospheres in probably any horror movie for me outside of maybe Alien.

I've said it for years. Halloween II is still the best and will always be the best. To me it's easily top 3/top 5 scariest horror movies ever.

Yeah living in a plutocratic autocratic oligarchy is my failure. Yours is supporting it.

Titanic is most hated. Only reason it was as popular as it was cuz of that stupid Celine Dion song and this began the everlasting fart-sniffing journey of James Cameron's self-indulgent celluloid hoaxes.

He has been here how many times before? What makes this time so different? BTW you say he's done for yet Chris Brown has never lost one penny due to his actions. How does it logically work out that a guy who is on record and is unapologetic about abusing women loses nothing in fanbase and money yet a guy who we suspect (I do firmly believe every bad thing about Drake BTW) has done some bad things his fanbase just drops him like a hot tamale instantly. That's incredibly naïve to think that would happen as much as I wish it were true.

Defund the FBI and Homeland Security, if I wanted to defund the police and I'm a staunch anti Patriot Act individual (which I am) would I not want that? Can someone explain that?

You strike me as one of those "why don't poor people just buy more money?" clowns.

Yeah but he has enough of a mass-deluded cultish fanbase like Taylor Swift so he'll be doing fine. I'd be willing to put $100 on it that the very next thing he does gets 100s of millions of views if not billions and it'll literally be like this never happened. And this is coming from someone who's hated him since Day 0. I just know that in today's world the worst things are desired the most so that's my prediction.

This and the Superstars 10 trilogy are my favorite Scooby-Doo entries of all.

For me it's

  1. For Your Eyes Only

  2. Live and Let Die

  3. Moonraker

  4. Octopussy

  5. The Spy Who Loved Me

  6. The Man With the Golden Gun

  7. A View to a Kill

Forgive me but that's one I always forget about. Mega underrated. The Doors I think are night time personified. Them, Black Sabbath, Type O Negative and Blue Öyster Cult specifically.

Overall and for one of their longer songs, When the Music's Over. For one of their shorter, songs, Love Me Two Times.

Karma by Parkway Drive. Starts out as just the band playing in their normal clothes on the beach in Australia to them pulling them off revealing surfsuits underneath amd they just grab boards, get out there and shred interspliced with them sitting on their boards playing their instruments and playing them standing in the water. It's a funny yet serious and cool music video for an insanely heavy song and one of my favorite live songs. Started and perpetuated those pits for that song every time I've seen them.