Mitsubishi HyperHeat here, no regrets. Works like a charm and it’s dead silent.

Sidekicks were a thing, as were feature phones and the BlackBerry Pearl.

OP: Gets a hair cut, posts about it, doesn’t post a picture because he’s self-conscious.

The haircut must suck.

First come, first serve. NTA

-Phone chargers

-Legion Go


-Change of clothes

All I needed was the phone chargers. My wife and son were in the hospital for four days (C-section) and I went home from 10pm to 6am to take care of the dogs, shovel snow, eat dinner and sleep. The first four days of parenthood were the easiest lol.

Get your ass to the hospital asap. Walk right into the ER and tell them you were in a nasty wreck. You may think you’re alright now, but accidents like this have a tendency to creep up on your health later on.

Also, fuck 9 lol. Considering where this happened, was the other driver a geriatric?

I think you’re getting a little too riled up about something so trivial. I understand, quite well, how our government functions and am just making a point that our licensing system is a joke. There’s no reason, besides Constitutional conservatism, why something like a driver’s license shouldn’t be federalized.

I’m not saying we should just circumvent the Constitution nor should we rewrite or destroy it. Im just saying there are better ways than how we do it now. Tiered licensing, like in European countries, is one way. A national standard for driver’s education and a single national license rather than state issued, is far from a tyrannical government overreach. It just makes the system work better for everyone. None of this is actually going to happen though, so take a breath and relax.

Actually not a bad idea. Licensing and registration should be a standardized thing and handled by the Fed. Introduce an overhaul to licensing as well, with tiered licensing. It’s far too easy to get a license in the US and go get a massive bro-dozer you can’t even drive.

Get a used R3, get good gear, put the rest of that cash into a high-yield savings account. You’re young, you’re gonna do stupid shit, it’s guaranteed. An R3 will mitigate some of the risk, and you’ll save some money as well.

2024 Cadillac Lyriq Sport AWD, 2023 Tesla Model Y LR


“Do your homework” is code for “I’m a fucking idiot”.

Granted, I ride an R3 and GSX-8R, but this is my summer jacket. I wear Bull-It jeans year round.