Sodium doesnt react with water to form salt (aka sodium chloride), water only has oxygen and hydrogen which in the energetic reaction you see here gives you sodium hydroxide. Whilst not the worst thing around it isn't benign. The ecosystem of that pond could have done without it.

I'm not sure seruously injured is right, you can cut yourself with a keen sharp cut though, safety rasors are called that as you're protected from anything worse. In contrast to just having the razor blade completely exposed in a 'cut throat razor' which as its name suggests has the higher potential for disaster..

I'm sworn to play it where it lands, RIP Halsin

Feels like the best way to guarantee I do another run or two.

OK turns out i did have it buried in Gale's inventory. I was convinced I didn't have it, thanks for making me double check!

This would have been so helpful to know earlier, thank you. Very annoying it doesn't come up to let you know its an option.

How do I get past the shadow curse?Spoiler

After siding with the Harpers (and them taking the latern) I went to Last Light Inn but managed to speak to Isobel as one of the first things I did which triggered a battle in which I failed to save her.
Then all the Harpers turned to Zombies and with Jahira we killed everything.. the lantern doesn't seem to be anywhere as far as I can tell.

I also had a mishap with Halsin when releasing him from cage so he's not available either which seems could have been an alternate route to dispelling the shadow?

I seem to be completely stuck.


The growing power of quantum computers that will soon be able to break every classical encryption. Google pushed their latest Sycamore device resetly claiming true quantum supremacy. Whether it is or isnt is not important as the continued speed of progress means that soon all previously stored data will be opened for all to see.. given many nation states have 'store now decrypt later' programmes it's inevitable that all pre-quantum secrets will be out some day soon. Even with quantum encryptions I don't think there's been anything shown to make something convincingly safe yet, if its even possible at all.

Better to get the story out in a way you can control rather than a leak.

Good idea, I've sent them some ideas on making the show more sustainable.

What a reckless use of energy, unbelievable