I used the 2017 Rhea Ripley card and it was just a case of keeping trying. Don't use any finishers until you've got all the mfp you need so you can hit multiple at once for a better chance of getting the pin.

He's definitely a creep so possibly

"I might make this the downstairs"

I've done two runs in the last day and had no issues

🥈EJ's Champion🥈✨️🏆100% NMS!🏆✨️🪦😭👹(💎☠️🥉)🪦

Sheamus gets his first signature very quickly into the match. If you hit that as soon as possible and then brogue kick him out should give you a bit more room to breathe.

You really didn't but it's adorable that you think you did <3

None of that correlates with the bizarre assumptions you made in your previous comment. If you want to be condescending at least try to follow a coherent point first.

Doesn't matter how hard it is, people can do what they want.

Cool, you take screenshots then. Everyone else can carry on doing what they want.

CJ buried a dude alive, he's definitely evil. I don't think any of them are anywhere near being decent people, definitely not Franklin. I can see the argument for Vic Vance though as he's definitely the most moral.

You're funny assuming that Eminem cares about any of that stuff.

Or they just didn't care, its gonna sell just as well whatever day it is.

That looks great. Love the pennywise, i have one myself!

You don't enter a balcony by going inside?

No, but in the 90s/ early 2000s, he knew what his role was, so he could still provide entertaining matches despite not being a good wrestler himself. When he came back after taking a beginners bjj class thinking he should be having evenly competitive matches with actual wrestlers though he stood out as being bad at what he does because that isn't the role that guy should have.

I usually only defend the ones on the surface so it's not too bad.