When the Roman's couldn't rule the world by force.... They did it by religion, mind control....

Moscow Marg. Would have you believe that the US is on the verge of complete and total destruction and devastation. If not for her and Trump, there's no saving us. The truth is if we actually give them anymore power, they will destroy our democracy from the top down. They will follow Putins plan, first extend Trumps time in office, so he can run more times. Then they have already figured out how to rig elections, so he wins no matter what... Our only saving grace is his age, but he could live long enough to destroy our country

Compared to the original its corny Sorry ,couldn't finish it .

Can someone explain why it's taking so long to train Ukrainian pilots? They already knew how to fly, at least the Initial ones . Are western jets that much harder to fly, or where the pilots not that well trained? I understand that they had to learn English, but some did, and since only a few , very few F-16s are starting out , what's the deal?

That's the whole problem here. The court isn't supposed to be political at all, and now it is. The first time it stuck its nose into the political realm was Bush--Gore Now it does it on a regular basis. The real strange part is as soon as the court swung right, then all of a sudden we have bribes, gifts, and payoffs that was never talked about much less seen.

It's a joke to them, they know deep down that they will never have to worry about that happening. The only way that they will launch nukesis if their power or lives are threatened. Russia can be beaten without a single Nato soldier entering Russia proper....

Stop sticking pins in your body, and just wait for puberty to get done with you. We all grow out of our awkward stage...

Ukraine must be helped, with money, man-power, everything will help, even just a prayer. We must not let them fail. I wish that I was young enough to fight. This is the first time in my 68 years that I see a cause worth actually fighting for.....

This is why France leads the world in nothing, except reasons not to work......

So many Ukrainian men left to hide in other countries. After the war is over they shouldn't be let back in the country......

So talented, think about the souls this war has taken, the men that could have done great things that have been robbed of their chance.

Most calico cats are female. This one's markings are absolutely beautiful, pretty rare too, matter of fact, this is a first for me......

Verified, by who??careful what you believe

Look at those pretty blue eyes