Yeah I watched it. It was great. Becomes more about how good a guy the “fooled” person is. I really liked it

Bruh I’m just telling you what I’m seeing cause you said you’re having a problem. Don’t be a dork about it.

Huh? This is a YouTube video. (So not Reddit’s video player) I left and came back, and it saved my place. Not sure what you’re doing wrong.

“The US doesn’t have bread like this! And so cheap!”

You can easily make games have couch co op without having to render a scene twice. Especially these days. And especially with a game like Astrobot.

I’m not really sure what that has to do with being entitled, though. You can have humble/not humble beginning and be entitled all the same.

Never seen someone say it “is” someone’s #th birthday after they’ve passed like this title is saying.

He’ll thrive until Trump inevitably turns his back on him and throws him under the bus like he does with literally everyone in his life. I can’t believe the entire functional GOP is allowing this man child to run their organization from outside government. It’s ridiculous.

I’ve never been a fan of reboot TV shows. But one I’ve always wanted is a Truman Show series. Get the writers from The Good Place and I think it would be really awesome.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but the way you’re explaining it has real secret snitch energy.

It’s the definitive cover of it for me. She did a fantastic job, and I’m sure it made her godmother damn proud.

Ehh, I can understand the plight of a wannabe journalist who has to write up these articles to make a buck. I can’t understand Ice T giving a take about a dude’s sex life without be asked.

It’s because he’s constantly shitting on what’s contemporary and new, then is (debatably)too ahead of his time for trends. By the time what he started has become huge, it’s too mainstream to be cool to him. You can’t benefit from being ahead of the curve if you’re hiding in the bushes when the rest of the world comes around the bend.

No it fucking isn’t. Everyone should vote. It’s the point of a democracy.

To be honest, probably the whole reason it wasn’t changed lol. A lot easier to notice debug text than plain

What? If 1000 people try to do it, and a vast majority of them just reply with the correct pronunciation of eyes, they aren’t uploading it. Which means it’s less likely to become a trend. The fooling of the person is the entire point of this. Of course it’s dependent on it…

Can’t become a trend if it doesn’t fool 96% of people.

Hey, guess what.. just don’t buy it.

Agreed. No sub safe from horny weirdos

Sorry. My baby sister was killed this way at a daycare a while ago and it’s just not a joke I find funny. Y’all laugh at what you want to. Just rubs me the wrong way when it doesn’t even make sense for how it’s being used.

If you’re vigilant about anything, you aren’t who they are trying to influence.