The schism hadn't happened yet.

Qraasan Goadariys (Qrasnodars Vigilants)

The religion of most people is Atharism (Judaism and Catholicism of this world, and is undeniably the truth) which follows the single God Athar and his demigod son Edaan. There are splits between those who believe in the divinity of Edaan and they are called Old Order Atharists. These guys (Qraasan Goadariys) are a bunch of overly devout zealots who take the entire words of prophet Qraasnodar as gospel. Most of Edaanaean Atharism believe his anticipation works are divinely inspired but nothing else. He was a mad man. The zealotry involves torching churches that don't accept their presence, pressuring individuals to confess and be beaten in public, killing priests, book burnings and the like. They are dead to most but some of their numbers still remain. They had a hey day in the 6th century AE.

They are one of hundreds of Saintly or religious orders but the most notorious and most stigmatised for reasons quite clear.

Maternally yes but no by paternity.

They are bastards anyway. Beauforts were barred from succession because of it but that was forgotten.

Franks don't exist?

Visigoths also?

This yank means:

France are yet to score a goal in open play.

:Munster: Munster

Balerion is the all blacks between 2007 and 2017. Dread.

Vhagar is South Africa.

:Munster: Munster

Nash wasn't bad. But not as loud or as active as Hansen or Conway have been.

Get Baird out. He was okay but he's not the next in line in my book. Next week we need to see progress and new blood. Jager and O'Toole in, I would like to see Timoney and Izuchukwu feature and maybe even Prendergast alongside in the row.

Josh looked good.

Ringrose was good when on the field.

Casey should start more.

Murray still has a spark.

Lowe. Lowe. Lowe. Two moments of stupidity and one brilliant one chalked off.

Furlong is back at a decent level.

Kelleher should be given a chance to prove himself next week. Sheehan is good but was uncharacteristically quiet.

Crowley needs to do some kicking practice this week.

:Munster: Munster

Kinda odd game for him. He actually was really good apart from two moments.

:Munster: Munster

He's not going forward enough. He should be driving every player he tackles backwards..

:Munster: Munster

Ireland need to get into the mindset here. Where are the big hits?

:Munster: Munster

Ah relax. Nobody expects us to win. Have a bit of fun and watch good rugby.