Maybe invite the family to come visit you. I’m certain they are grateful and concerned for you. Share the truth. That you are traumatized and you hope the little one is doing ok. And let them know in person that you are intending to divorce. Keep in touch with them regardless. You’re the guardian angel!

And if that fails, it means communication may not happen for you on the other bigger stuffs like a house and I would t put money into a shared account for a mortgage. Get support to improve your communication. Honestly if communication doesn’t come to an acceptable compromise,you may even consider if you stay together. Coming up will be how you parent. Cleaning. All sorts of stuff that requires successful communication. I would not live as a roommate in this situation. Learn that sooner than later.

Save your money to get your own place cause I’m pretty sure you’re going to want that.

No offense but I think your price is a bit high. I’m not buying but I got an ambo last summer for $12k. Way better interior and zero issues, four new tires.

I hope she is humiliated that this guy was one of the worst guys to get all of your lives wrecked.

(Just gonna say, when I feel really snarky, usually in a good way but sometimes in the devilish way, I come to Reddit for sure!

I can’t be the only one!)

Get a lawyer and maybe even get your ex partner involved. Sounds like they have no legitimate claim anyways. You are alive and well and your work schedule shouldn’t matter. Frankly, probably means you’re home all the time with the kids.

Get a lawyer to write them a letter that they have no legal claim on the children. They’re in no way related. They can’t go taking children from a loving home. That sounds ridiculous. I’d go no contact with them. Tell them they can now only communicate through your lawyer. This will impress on them what they’re trying to do here. How well off they are shouldn’t have anything to do with anything.

Edit: Wait. Am I confused? Is your ex partner their “son”? And now he’s a she? Sorry if I didn’t type that out right.

My first read I thought you had two children, getting pregnant by a man, a previous male partner, and then got into a lesbian relationship. Am I reading it wrong? So was your partner a man and then came out female? Is that what you mean? And they’re the legit grandparents? Or was it you had the children with a previous male partner, not this ex and this ex has no biological claim?

Damn, why am I confused?

Let your family know what’s going on and ask them if they’ll help you. Or friends who play actors for you as family.

Have them call every day. Tell them everything. Every deposit. When you have to poop. How long you pooped. What you ate. What you’re doing. But then don’t forget to add details about him too. And what you guys are doing together. What you’re thinking about.

Be sure to comment that that’s good thinking and you’ll think about what they’re saying. Do this for weeks. Don’t forget to have someone check in when you’re together. And mention getting a key to the house and stuff. See if he notices.

Can’t be called eavesdropping when you’re literally walking up to them to greet them!

Now also don’t forget to post online how you’ve broken your engagement and why. Get it all out of the way at once.

NTAH! And wow you have an entire family of AHs! Damn!

In my mind, don’t attend or attend and leave after a brief stay.

But this sounds like a situation where you lower the contact with them. They are basically saying they don’t support your marriage and who you love! So wtf is wrong with all of them? Clearly conditional people.

She can be compelled by the court to provide whatever you need. She also needs to provide her income updates and stuff when asked. So just ask the court that she provide this to you. If there are wedding photos or something that you can get a hold of it will help you with court.

Hope you wrote her a letter of apology and how you hope to be an improved parent. And that you hope she can forgive you.

Yeah ok. Dm me so I can find you later or you’ll get lost here.

So I was hearing that once you take a cruise and gamble in the casino, you get slips under your door for discounts on the next cruise, up to three cruises if scheduled right away. Gonna check that out to see if it rings true. So gonna use the cabin credit they awarded us to gamble with and see if that happens.

To sum it up, OP’s husband is beating a dead horse to improve their sex life. She says she’s asexual which just means you just don’t care about sex. That would suck to have sex with someone who doesn’t want it or care. Maybe even illegal? Idk. But sex is usually part of a good marriage. Good sex. It seems like he’s so done! You can’t go being snarky when he sounds like he knows ones he’ll never win and thus he’s giving up.
This is bad. I’d expect he’s going ti want a divorce or something cause you can’t cut sex off for him. And he’s probably also doesn’t want it with a dead fish type either.

Presidents already had these rights. They only just reinforced that. Otherwise you’d have seen Presidents of past be held accountable for lots of things. For example, how does a President be Commander in Chief of the military if he then has to answer for the orders and consequences when it doesn’t work out. And the nature of war is that you don’t win all the battles.

You had to already know they have immunity.

Talk about kings. I heard tonight online someone talking about possible moves forward for the Dems. One option was to have Biden cut Kamala and then install Hillary. Then have Michelle Obama run with Barrack as her running mate, and if she wins, then she step down and Obama finish the term.

Sorry dude but those are King scenarios. To think the Dems will play the part so dirty as to do anything to keep the office like sneaking around like that. Anyone with a Brain knows Barrack has been running things, not Joe and now they know that everyone can see that for themselves. But coming up with ways to get Barrack in there around the way the rules go?

Hey Joe! I’m in Hemet. Also have an ambulance conversion I’ve been working on. Would love to connect with you even just to say hey!

Having been married to someone with serious mental issues, that I tried on working with him for years, I don’t think you understand how taxing and unsafe it can be to the other spouse to deal with someone who has mental issues like yours. That’s a lot and I suspect what you left out is that you’ve tried many times to different degrees and you think you’ll always have to work on yourself and really, he seeks some normalcy. And you can’t provide that stable normalcy to him. You might sometimes but it’s not a norm and he needs to get out for his own sake. And he’s probably doing the right thing.

I’ll also add that just the ADHD alone can be quite taxing on a relationship and people with ADHD often mature later than their peers. And you’re young still. I can hear it in how you talk and reason.

Grow up. Let yourself grow and maybe later you can take on adding a relationship in. Good luck to you.

They carry Archers also. Minis. Zero sugar. Fits in your pocket more easily.