Honestly I found Munich to be a bit underwhelming compared to Amsterdam, Prague, Budapest, and even Berlin.

It is fun for a few days and you do have access to great day trips so not a bad option, but for one city is recommended Amsterdam.

Btw I can tell you’re not American like I am because 8 days is a standard vacation for us haha.


Not a bad point but you’re not factoring in growth. I’m not saying these valuations all make sense to me but if that 2.7 is expected to be 15 in 5 years, that changes the calculus

Slight difference in having to compete under a different flag and the government seizing assets / intimidating and harassing you and your family for not falling in line

You think there are three swing states? So you don’t know what you’re talking about and should be ignored

Well for one a lot of people find the word retarded to be distasteful so people probably won’t like that

I don’t mind the pick and this draft has very few sure things, in fact you could argue next to none.

If one of him or Ausar becomes a borderline all star that would be huge

I feel less negative than others. I feel like swinging on multiple good defender, athletic as hell, intangible guys will pay off if even one of them hits. Between him and Ausar, I feel like one has a chance to be a really good NBA player

Sure, but since that inertia was stopped cold in its tracks, Germany has in fact gone all in on being apologetic and constantly reminding their citizens of the dangers of fascism and bigotry.

Sometimes it takes a punch to the face to wake up, but that punch was 80 years ago and almost all of the Nazis are dead

You think 50%+ of women are abused by their partners? I’d say this is way too high of an estimate

Edit: maybe not way too high but feels high

You know the world changes right? Germany committed the Holocaust but it’s probably one of the most tolerant nations on earth now.

Canada did horrible things to natives and is now a highly diverse society.

The world changes

Hello, I am from the Detroit metro and have lived there on and off for 25 years. If you like a lot of trees, water, and standard American wildlife (squirrels, deer, rabbits, etc.) you will really like metro Detroit. There are a lot of chill suburbs with fun little downtowns and the people are generally very nice. The winter can be tough but climate change seems to be mitigating that somewhat, and the summers can be a bit humid. It’s not as cosmopolitan as a Chicago, NYC, LA, etc. but there is actually solid diversity and good food options. Visiting Northern Michigan is always awesome too.

I have never been to or lived in Louisville but have heard good things about the city

I’m biased because I’m from the area but I totally agree

He’s closer than I thought tbh, but I wouldn’t have him top 7. Awesome player though

Hopefully he eventually loses the mouth breathing crowd so we never have to hear from him again.

Kiffin has made Ole Miss a consistently competitive program in the SEC, which is brutally hard for anyone not named Saban or Smart

I feel like his Ole Miss tenure has been a success, right? He hasn’t turned them into a dominant powerhouse but two ten win seasons / NY6 games and four bowl games in four years feels pretty good for Ole Miss all things considered