Oats are very good at working with any flavor.

Hot take, the Realtor might not have your best interest in mind.

Wull that there ain't raaght.

You ain't be supposin' to use it in proper speach. But in low register ain't substitutes for all the negatives (am not, are not, is not).

I am not even in this crowd and agree it's the right horse! OP I know it feels like a big decision -- it is, and an important one too.

So, for Amtrack, Cheyenne to Albuquerque :) :) . Tbere are no North to South routes.

Actually even the road ice is not nearly as bad as NE or Midwest. Thank goodness, I have a healthy fear of black ice.

Seems it would have to not be piecemeal. If gov't-subsidized building were to resrain prices... it would have to be massive.

Gorgeous! Railing required. Actually some antislip would be a good idea too

It's not the cigarette that's the "smoke" but the time period. Having a smoke is short for "Taking a break to smoke (a ciggie)".

This is a very interesting question. I am a bit ambi and enjoy the challenges of the melody crossing or switching. See also multiple voices/fugues.