Is the rudder even in the water on foil? Voodoo

Thank you. I’ve had it less than 60 days, so guessing it will improve accuracy soon!

How local is my tempest prediction?Advice Requested

I’m hoping to get details about how local my weather stations predictions are. I live in a microclimate that is generally several degrees hotter than nearby areas, though it seems the predictions between the two areas are usually fairly close. Does anyone know how localized the prediction is?

When I first fire up the grill I’ve been keeping the screen open. I’ve noticed it’s more effective but maybe I need to adjust my starting techniques

Stainless steel plate

I’m considering to attach a stainless steel plate to the official BGE table under the egg. Coals have slipped out of the ash tray and caused some burns. Anyone have feedback on this idea?

I like Napa cabs and have Quintessa and Insignia bottles. Depending on the year they can be stellar

Liquidity will improve price stability. We haven’t succeeded until we have more mature DEX options

How much paper xmr is tied into Justin suns empire? It’s looks like it’s failing.

Long term: Bitcoin ETF leads to centralization and surveillance. Dirty BTC tanks in value due to lack of fungibility. People want XMR for offshore and grey transactions. Selling your XMR for services, products or clean BTC pumps the price due to utility.


Also a member of the Long now foundation. It’s not built to outlast humanity. It’s built so that humans 1000s off years in the future can crank the clock and get the time! The idea is to build something that encourages and inspires us to think of the long term. So much of what we do or build is human centric not humanity centric. Another fun fact is that Brian eno, talking heads producer and composer, was in charge of the chime sounds.

This is the headline of credit theory of money, also known as Keynesian economics. Another theory is the commodity theory of money that is promoted by the Austrian school of economics.

The problem with debt based economies is that it discourages savings and drives consumption instead of savings. It also creates more opportunities for rich to take advantage of credit while the poor do not, driving wealth inequality. Finally it encourages governments to spend more and print their way out of every problem which drives more inflation. Inflation is a hidden tax that funds wars and more and more government spending.

There is a ver good book that just came out on these concepts called broken money and I highly recommend it!

To what degree do you think Monero’s steeper distribution curve created less liquidity as compared to bitcoin? As in, early miners have held more supply and are slowly selling off. I hope so and I hope Monero’s liquidity increases over the next years.

Upvote for hat, Downvote for jeans

The XMR to BTC ratio seemed to be improving in parallel with grey market adoption of Monero. It seems that since tor’s ddos attacks, and the grey markets being stifled, XMR seems to have lost traction relative to BTC. How much of Monero’s value is tied to increased liquidity and the circular economy?

Thanks for the reply. I just went through some recent history on the tx extra debate and it seems like the summary is that we kept the tx extra field because it enables interoperability for things like atomic swaps, etc. There is also discussion about deleting the tx extra field in the future and potentially adding a more purpose built field for interoperability. FWIW this second approach seems like the best strategy because the goal is to limit the use of that field to something that is very adjacent to Monero's true north use case. If we as a community can prevent the co-opting of the chain, we should absolutely do so.

This is great. I posted on r/Monero with concerns about this exploit making its way to Monero. Can you explain how Monero disincentivizes this use case?

I think fees are tied to scaling block size too right? Ideally we don’t have blocks grow disproportionately large with this transactional “cruft”. I understand that larger blocks and blockchains will create more centralization

MRC-20 a possibility with monero?

We’ve been witnessing Bitcoin’s block space become co-opted by ordinals and mints with BRC-20 tokens. These capabilities were enabled by taproot and creative use of block headers.

Meanwhile, Monero Twitter and Reddit has been trumpeting our competitively low transaction fees. It’s left me wondering whether Monero is immune, or even resistant, to this same exploitation. If not, we should assume it is only a matter of time until our chain, which has real adoption will be leveraged for the Is internet security and immutability.
