check all the boxes... then they get mad when you move in together inconveniently far.

"ya absolutely... I'll be touching myself the entire consultation as well. "

the last thing we need are people who "want the easiest job"... tell em to get lost.

as someone who hasn't lived in america for 4 years... the fact that a grown adult would eat this, presumably for dinner, is equally if not MORE concerning than the cost.

American's are shameless about what they do with their bodies.

the beers aint gonna drink themselves... we gotta speed it up


ya... the kids that use reddit these days are fucking cooked.

it's literally just a law made in good faith to try and keep children off porn sites. to think it's some huge plot for VPN companies to make money? because the CHILDREN are going to buy VPN services to circumvent the law? dudes brain is welldone

edit: i was going to mention "dude has no kids and it shows" but figured it was so obvious it isn't worth mentioning. then i saw his account name and... i mean come on... its just so funny... god damnit

"I hate when the grass grazes the side if my Range Rover"

my weird take

i want better mmr so i have better games

i (legend 5-ancient1 SEA region) sometimes get matched in mid divine games. and the competition is just better

i don't care win or lose. i feel like im more challenged. having more fun. and becoming a better player. if i could hide the medal i would. i hate how much attention it brings. shit talking grieifng haha rank x. stupid

sometimes i party with friends back home (USWest crusader games)

they are shit games. you can tell people are under the influence. dying without even knowing their character is alive. your own teamates are a liability. not an assest. its just boring. winning brings no joy. just boring games

id rather lose in Divine games than win in archon games

i can see why buying accounts is so expensive it's better practice

min 12, lands hook, channels dismember, pauses game mid channel, all chats "?", someone unpauses, dies to sunstrike, guy he hooked goes back to farming with 80% health

top mmr went from like 10k to 14k... i feel like divine 1 just is the new archon3

k/d/a is worthless

and if you mention it to grief a teamate you are the worst

6/18/12 teamates still have enormous impact

I used Google Play Music since maybe... 2017? I never liked Spotify. Eventually it just turned into YouTube premium. Every song is on YouTube. It has a way bigger catalogue than any other platform. All the exclusive songs for Apple or whatever are still on YouTube.

It's just so happens I now get no adds either. If you complain about YouTube service but pay for Spotify or equivalent you are an idiot.

Monkey in Space

a joke is like dissecting a frog

he's explaining the joke. not delivering it

of course it's not funny presented this way nerds

Going from level 9 to 15 in 2 mins is kinda BONKERS