Woah. TIL this was a thing.

Off I go!!

I would buy one, nay, two fresh boxes RIGHT NOW…..

#1 - Sean Burke

…the fuck outta here.

Does a VTOL with an F14.

Gets out, drops the helmet, then…


Love it. Like a Newspaper shot from eons ago. The modern cars…very cool twist to this ‘look’. Noice.

Would…would it be out of bounds for President Biden to address your great nation, via television and streaming, regarding this quite unprecedented fiasco?

Seems this very time is more than appropriate.

Just straight up facts.

This schtick is all a bit Lex Luthor, innit? Little…on the nose, as it were?

But way, way, WAY dumber.

Like truly oblivious.

Man I’ve thought of this comment like three times now. Brilliant. ⚔️

How it feels in COD against some doofus spamming an RGL

Like the car horn, with De Niro, Someone should be there, just outside within earshot. Playing the softest, saddest violin phrases. So subtle....but there. If you can hear me, NYC, let's get er done.


What is this....repeat the bullshit, and someone somewhere will believe it? Maybe in the mirror, pal. Get wrecked.

Also, that Fred Flintstone lawyer to the right every day? You can blink now, doofus. And yes, you too, can get wrecked. Chump.

Fartin’ in technicolor tonight!!!!