It's time to mass report this subreddit 

Taylor Swift she is a pedophile she dated Taylor launter when he was 17 and she was 20 and how this is different from drake situation 

Man you all taking about records

Drake - first artist to reach 100 million streams

Well first all you can save insects by organic farming Now you will say their will be shortage of grains but I will also answer this for you non vegetarian consume more grains than vegetarian because a hen consume
A lot of grain and since you kill it it will not cause any shortage And one question for you know most insect live 10 day to 15 days what will you save your child or a dog or plant I bet you will save first child than dog than plant so use same logic hen ,goat they are more complex organismyou able to see feelings


Same can be said about  pesudofeminisimpeople just don't impose your idea on others but it is wrong   because nowadays most people consume non veg that's why neither right wing hindu and nor left wing support it on vegetarian lord Krishna advice Arjun to eat vegetarian food and he himself  take offering on vegetarian food and about maa kali people also say  lord shiv used to take baangh but should we also take baangh and datura ? No it's wrong so you can also stop giving offering to maa kali because it's simply wrong if you can live by eating vegetarian food you can save live what's wrong with it but it is tasty and you like it same with psuedofeminism , LGBTQ, etc 

A place where someone still thinks of you that's place you call home

500 days of summer you can go through all the recommended  movies but  This will be your favourite movie  and thank me later

After seeing comment section here I don't care ,pseudofeminism ,toxic masculinity should increase so human destruction can come human are fucking hypocrites when it's comes to their need both right and left wing are asshole now no Hindu will Hindu will defend this because they started to eat meat forbtheir own benefit and they become so aggressive towards female in post andnow no left wing will come to defend this for their own benefit 

Replacement girl one of the best drake song  easily top 10 every drake hater or fan should listen to that


Look most guys don't find girl in real life so they come on social media to release their frustration