Give me some good news about Climate Change

I'm in the doom and gloom mindset right now and could use some good new

Advice for a first time kitten owner/Is single kitten syndrome real and if so what should I do?General

My parents are adopting a 6 weeks old kitten from a work friend. I've heard about kitten syndrome before and I'm worried for the kitten because I want it to be happy. We don't really have to means to adopt 2 kittens right now so I ask for some advice.
As for the advice on taking care of a kitten what should I expect and what do I need for the kitten to be happy and healthy?

thanks! it's weird that it gives me the description of it in the menu instead of telling me to donate it to gunther

I've always liked sunflowers! they are very pretty

Am I safe? [BO3]Question

I played zombies a bunch last month and I heard that the older games aren't safe. I only played solo zombies is that safe and if not what should I do?

Would it be safe to start HRT?Advice Question

I really really REALLY want to but with how the US is I can't help but be scared to. I just worry about my safety if any rebublican (probably trump) wins.

Is bo3 safe to play? [BO3]Question

it has come to my attention that the older cod games are not safe to play, including bo3, and recently I've played zombies quite a bit. I don't know if it's just opening the game or specifically joining a public lobby for multiplayer or zombies. And just to clarify I've only played solo zombies using the solo game button. I have not even opened the multiplayer menu. Am I safe?

Is BO3 safe to play?Question
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How to ask parents about HRT?Advice Question

Hey hey! So I'm going to the doctors soon and I want to bring up HRT. But it is very very scary, Despite my parents knowing I am trans and their support of me being trans. Any advice on how to bring it up?

edit: forgot to put but im 16!

Is that glitch that allowed people to use urls in the vote to kick still around?:discussion: Discussion

some friends wanna play cs2 with me soon and I haven't played since I heard about that glitch/hack cause it freaked me out. I don't even if it has like an actual name but is it still in the game?

Nielsen wrist thingsIs this a scam?

Hello hello, so I came home today and my family told me about these weird wrist watch thingys (they kind look like fitbits) and that they came from a company called Nielsen. They told me they got like 50 dollars or something and they want me to wear this watch so I can get "points" and earn money. This whole thing just seems really really sketchy and I don't know how to feel about it.

REQUEST! "Queen Pinky" by "The Murlocs"

love this song but can't find a bass tab of it anywhere and I'm not nearly good enough to learn it by ear yet

Murder of The Universe has the best songwriting imo. The stories are all so captivating It's like I can envision the Altered beast, or the Balrog and The Lord of lighting battling it out. And on top of the lyrics the music itself is amazing as well.

Nuclear Fusion was the first song I heard and I've been hooked ever since

would mtf HRT make you stop loving someone you're in a relationship with?

Hiii all, I am a trans girl pre HRT and I am pretty concerned that I will stop loving my partners when I eventually start HRT. Do I have anything to worry about or am I in the clear? thanks in advanced!

is plutonium safe?Question
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I have not learned the fretboard yet, but thanks for reminding me to do that lmao.

also the songs are "Extras" and "Love the Subhuman Self", both of which are made by Arc System Works